Paradoc Documentation and Built-Ins

Version 0.6

Table of Contents


Because there aren't enough golfing languages already™

Paradoc is a golfing language in the stack-based lineage of GolfScript, heavily inspired by it and CJam. Other inspirations include 05AB1E, Jelly, Pyth, and rhoScript.

Like many of these other things, Paradoc is a work in progress. Still, I like to think we have some pretty reasonable documentation.

Some example programs:

Hello, world! (unterminated strings are on the TODO list)

"Hello, world!"

Print squares from 0 to 100, separated by spaces

s¹²m                 .. 4 bytes (if encoded as CP1252)
sA)2pm               .. 6 ASCII characters
_space 11 Square_map .. Expanded version

Print Fibonacci numbers from 0 to 89, separated by spaces:

sZ1A+kx .. 7 bytes / ASCII characters

_space 0 1 10 +_keep_xloop .. Expanded version


Paradoc is written in Python 3 (and uses mypy (optional static typing) annotations extensively). REPL:

python3 -m paradoc

Run a file:

python3 -m paradoc source_file.prdc

Evaluate a command:

python3 -m paradoc -e "sA)2pm"

Design Philosophy

In decreasing order of importance:

Differences from GolfScript/CJam


There are also global trailers, which come right at the start of the program. These haven't been documented yet, sorry.


Paradoc is stack-based. It starts with an empty stack and just runs each thing in the code in sequence. Things run on the stack.

The data types are ints, floats, Chars, complex numbers, strings, (heterogeneous) lists, and blocks (executable things). When Paradoc sees an identifier, it modifies it with trailers, if any, and then executes it if it's a block and the final trailer is not reluctant.

Floats are often coerced to ints by truncation. Complex numbers are often coerced to floats by taking the real part (and then possibly to ints by truncation). Support for complex numbers across all built-ins is still in alpha though.


Paradoc keeps track of marks in the stack, which you can create with [. These are usually placed for ] to be called later and collect elements above the last mark into a list. If a mark is at the top of the stack and an element is popped, it moves down; if elements are pushed after it, it stays below them.

Note that many higher-order functions and the like will execute a block in a protected "shadow" stack that start with a mark in it. Although the shadow stack "bottoms out" into the underlying stack, so trying to pop from the shadow stack when it's empty will pop from the underlying stack instead, the mark will not leave the shadow stack, and its presence or absence won't affect the underlying stack when it's destroyed. This way, something like ]z does the right thing.

There are a few variations of shadow stacks, but these are kind of implementation details.

The X-Stack

A handful of identifiers are specially aliased to the X-stack, a place where the current element/index being operated on is pushed in most loops.

Usually, an element and an index are pushed together, the element on top. As you'd expect, elements higher on the stack are easier to access. X is the top element, Y is the second-to-top (so usually the index), Z is the third; these names are pretty stable. The following elements currently go Xx, Xy, Xz, Yx, Yy, Yz, etc, but they should be considered unstable.

See * for examples.

In addition, the X-stack starts with a few elements on program start to provide single-letter aliases for them, but these should also be considered unstable.


Note that there's no implicit input; however, global trailers can configure an input trigger, the result of which is that when you try to pop from an empty stack, Paradoc will read input and offer it to you as the result of the pop. (Note that you will pop things in the order they're read, which is the opposite order of how lists are usually ordered on the stack!)

You can also explicitly read input with V.


Paradoc has flexible mutable data structures, which are called hoards mostly because H was the single unallocated letter when we got to the concept. Hoards start out as empty lists, but depending on how you use them, they will automagically become deques or dictionaries. The primary interface for mutation is through hoard trailers.



As noted, Paradoc is a work in progress, so although there is autogenerated documentation here for all the built-ins, they are all subject to change. Some of then are more likely to change than others, though, so each one is labeled with a stability. Here are my crude definitions of the stabilities:

The ids of elements on this page should be considered unstable, so permalinks to this page should be considered unstable as well.

Built-in/Trailer Overview

A brief, incomplete categorized list of built-ins and trailers, useful for golf, and related golf tips.

Block Trailers


Stability: stable

Aliases: _reluctant

Make this block reluctant: push it instead of executing it.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _anti

Swap the top two elements of the stack before running this block. Makes the result reluctant.


Stability: alpha


Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); push whether at least one result is truthy.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _a

Swap the top two elements of the stack before running this block. Makes the result reluctant.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _exists,

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); push whether at least one result is truthy.


Stability: beta

Aliases: _az,

Execute this block once for each adjacent pair of elements from a list (coerces numbers to ranges). Both elements are pushed onto the stack.


Stability: beta

Aliases: _autozip,

Execute this block once for each adjacent pair of elements from a list (coerces numbers to ranges). Both elements are pushed onto the stack.


Stability: stable

Aliases: _bind

Right now, pop the top element of this stack; before each time this block is to be executed, push it. Makes the result reluctant.


Stability: stable

Aliases: _b

Right now, pop the top element of this stack; before each time this block is to be executed, push it. Makes the result reluctant.


Stability: beta

Aliases: _vectorize, _v

Pop the top element of the stack. Then, apply this block to each element of the next element of the stack (coerces numbers to ranges), pushing that top element before each application; collect the results into a new list.

Basically a _bind followed by a _map; you can imagine it as vectorizing an operator if the top element of the stack is a scalar and the one beneath it is a sequence, hence the single-letter name. But, for the purposes of attaching further trailers, note that it isn't as eager as bind in popping the top element immediately.

[1 2 3] 100+v => [101 102 103]

Below is an example where +bm would not work, as the bind would already have bound the [100 200] rather than only bind anything inside the zip.

[[1 2][3 4]] [100 200] +vz => [[101 102][203 204]]


Stability: unstable


Run this block, but catch any exception and push its Python traceback, or an empty list if nothing happens. Does not catch breaks, continues, or KeyboardInterrupts (?) (but does catch exits).


Stability: alpha


Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); push the number of truthy results.


Stability: unstable


Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); push the number of distinct elements that gave truthy results.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: ,

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); push the number of falsy results.


Stability: beta

Aliases: _double

Apply this block in a bracketed shadow, then apply it again on what's underneath. In essence, applies this block to two disjoint sets of arguments on the stack.

1 8 )d => 2 9
1 2 8 9 +d => 3 17


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _walk, _w

Apply this block to each element of a possibly multi-level list (coerces numbers to ranges), as deeply as possible; collect the results into a new list with the same shape. Mnemonic: walk, as in traversing the entire structure; or upside-down "deeper" m.


Stability: beta

Aliases: _d

Apply this block in a bracketed shadow, then apply it again on what's underneath. In essence, applies this block to two disjoint sets of arguments on the stack.

1 8 )d => 2 9
1 2 8 9 +d => 3 17


Stability: stable

Aliases: _each

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges). Compare _xloop.


Stability: stable

Aliases: _e

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges). Compare _xloop.


Stability: alpha


Apply this block to each index and element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); collect the results into a new list.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _any,

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); push whether at least one result is truthy.


Stability: stable

Aliases: _filter, _select

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges) and filter elements for which the block gives a truthy result.


Stability: stable

Aliases: _select, _f

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges) and filter elements for which the block gives a truthy result.


Stability: beta

Aliases: _reduce, _r

Combine all elements in a list into one by repeatedly applying a binary block (coerces numbers to 1-indexed ranges), and push the final element.

[10 20 30] +r => 60


Stability: beta

Aliases: _get

Find the first element of the list where this block gives a truthy result (coerces numbers to ranges).


Stability: beta

Aliases: _g

Find the first element of the list where this block gives a truthy result (coerces numbers to ranges).


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _high

Find the last index of the list where this block gives a truthy result (coerces numbers to ranges).


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _h

Find the last index of the list where this block gives a truthy result (coerces numbers to ranges).


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _index

Find the first index of the list where this block gives a truthy result (coerces numbers to ranges).


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _i

Find the first index of the list where this block gives a truthy result (coerces numbers to ranges).


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _reject

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges) and filter elements for which the block gives a falsy result.


Stability: stable

Aliases: _keep

Execute this block in a preservation-shadow, so that any elements it pops aren't actually popped from the stack (so, "keep" those elements around).

Compare _keepunder.

10 Uk => 10 1
5 6 +k => 5 6 11


Stability: stable

Aliases: _k

Execute this block in a preservation-shadow, so that any elements it pops aren't actually popped from the stack (so, "keep" those elements around).

Compare _keepunder.

10 Uk => 10 1
5 6 +k => 5 6 11


Stability: stable

Aliases: _q

Execute this block in a preservation-shadow, so that any elements it pops aren't actually popped from the stack. Then push its results underneath elements it thinks were popped.

Compare _keep.

Mnemonic: "q" and "k" are phonetically similar and "q" is usually followed by a "u".

10 Uq => 1 10
5 6 +q => 11 5 6


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _last

Find the last index of the list where this block gives a truthy result (coerces numbers to ranges).


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _l

Find the last index of the list where this block gives a truthy result (coerces numbers to ranges).


Stability: alpha

Loop this block forever (until an error is thrown).


Stability: alpha


Execute this block once for each corresponding pair of elements from two lists (coerces numbers to ranges). Both elements are pushed onto the stack. Collect the results into a list, which has the same length as the longer of the arguments; if one list is shorter, that list's elements are cycled until it is the same length as the longer list.


Stability: stable

Aliases: _map

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); collect the results into a new list.


Stability: stable

Aliases: _m

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); collect the results into a new list.


Stability: beta

Aliases: _y

Pop the second-to-top element of the stack. Then, apply this block to each element of the top element of the stack (coerces numbers to ranges), pushing what was the second-to-top element underneath the top element before each application; collect the results into a new list.

Sort of a reversed _bindmap. Mnemonic: y looks like a modified v, for vectorize.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _product, _prod,

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); take the deep product of the results.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _sum,

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); deeply sum the results.


Stability: alpha


Apply this block to each element of a list and return the element for which the block's result is maximum.


Stability: alpha


Apply this block to each element of a list and return the element for which the block's result is minimum.


Stability: alpha


Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); push whether all results are falsy.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _onemap

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to 1-indexed ranges); collect the results into a new list.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _o

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to 1-indexed ranges); collect the results into a new list.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _organize,

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges), and then organize the elements into groups based on which ones yield the same block outputs.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _org,

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges), and then organize the elements into groups based on which ones yield the same block outputs.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _mapproduct, _product,

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); take the deep product of the results.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _mapproduct, _prod,

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); take the deep product of the results.


Stability: stable

Aliases: _keepunder

Execute this block in a preservation-shadow, so that any elements it pops aren't actually popped from the stack. Then push its results underneath elements it thinks were popped.

Compare _keep.

Mnemonic: "q" and "k" are phonetically similar and "q" is usually followed by a "u".

10 Uq => 1 10
5 6 +q => 11 5 6


Stability: beta

Aliases: _reduce, _fold

Combine all elements in a list into one by repeatedly applying a binary block (coerces numbers to 1-indexed ranges), and push the final element.

[10 20 30] +r => 60


Stability: beta

Aliases: _fold, _r

Combine all elements in a list into one by repeatedly applying a binary block (coerces numbers to 1-indexed ranges), and push the final element.

[10 20 30] +r => 60


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _j

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges) and filter elements for which the block gives a falsy result.


Stability: stable

Aliases: _

Make this block reluctant: push it instead of executing it.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _scan

Combine all elements in a list into one by repeatedly applying a binary block (coerces numbers to 1-indexed ranges), and push the list of all intermediate results.

[10 20 30] +s => [10 30 60]
[10 20 30] -s => [10 -10 -40]
[10 20 30] -as => [10 10 20]


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _s

Combine all elements in a list into one by repeatedly applying a binary block (coerces numbers to 1-indexed ranges), and push the list of all intermediate results.

[10 20 30] +s => [10 30 60]
[10 20 30] -s => [10 -10 -40]
[10 20 30] -as => [10 10 20]


Stability: stable

Aliases: _filter, _f

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges) and filter elements for which the block gives a truthy result.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _mapsum,

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); deeply sum the results.


Stability: stable

Aliases: _under

Execute this block underneath the top element. That is, before executing this block, pop the top element, and after executing it, push it back.

5 10 Uu => 1 10
1 5 9 +u => 6 9


Stability: stable

Aliases: _u

Execute this block underneath the top element. That is, before executing this block, pop the top element, and after executing it, push it back.

5 10 Uu => 1 10
1 5 9 +u => 6 9


Stability: unstable


Apply this block to each element and index of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); collect the results into a new list.


Stability: beta

Aliases: _vectorize, _bindmap

Pop the top element of the stack. Then, apply this block to each element of the next element of the stack (coerces numbers to ranges), pushing that top element before each application; collect the results into a new list.

Basically a _bind followed by a _map; you can imagine it as vectorizing an operator if the top element of the stack is a scalar and the one beneath it is a sequence, hence the single-letter name. But, for the purposes of attaching further trailers, note that it isn't as eager as bind in popping the top element immediately.

[1 2 3] 100+v => [101 102 103]

Below is an example where +bm would not work, as the bind would already have bound the [100 200] rather than only bind anything inside the zip.

[[1 2][3 4]] [100 200] +vz => [[101 102][203 204]]


Stability: beta

Aliases: _bindmap, _v

Pop the top element of the stack. Then, apply this block to each element of the next element of the stack (coerces numbers to ranges), pushing that top element before each application; collect the results into a new list.

Basically a _bind followed by a _map; you can imagine it as vectorizing an operator if the top element of the stack is a scalar and the one beneath it is a sequence, hence the single-letter name. But, for the purposes of attaching further trailers, note that it isn't as eager as bind in popping the top element immediately.

[1 2 3] 100+v => [101 102 103]

Below is an example where +bm would not work, as the bind would already have bound the [100 200] rather than only bind anything inside the zip.

[[1 2][3 4]] [100 200] +vz => [[101 102][203 204]]


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _deepmap, _walk

Apply this block to each element of a possibly multi-level list (coerces numbers to ranges), as deeply as possible; collect the results into a new list with the same shape. Mnemonic: walk, as in traversing the entire structure; or upside-down "deeper" m.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _deepmap, _w

Apply this block to each element of a possibly multi-level list (coerces numbers to ranges), as deeply as possible; collect the results into a new list with the same shape. Mnemonic: walk, as in traversing the entire structure; or upside-down "deeper" m.


Stability: stable

Aliases: _xloop

Execute this block once for each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges). Unlike _each, the element is not pushed onto the stack, but is put into the X-stack and can be accessed through X.

See also *.


Stability: stable

Aliases: _x

Execute this block once for each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges). Unlike _each, the element is not pushed onto the stack, but is put into the X-stack and can be accessed through X.

See also *.


Stability: beta

Aliases: _mapbind

Pop the second-to-top element of the stack. Then, apply this block to each element of the top element of the stack (coerces numbers to ranges), pushing what was the second-to-top element underneath the top element before each application; collect the results into a new list.

Sort of a reversed _bindmap. Mnemonic: y looks like a modified v, for vectorize.


Stability: beta

Aliases: _zip

Execute this block once for each corresponding pair of elements from two lists (coerces numbers to ranges). Both elements are pushed onto the stack. Collect the results into a list, which has the same length as the shorter of the arguments; if one list is longer, its extra elements are ignored.


Stability: beta

Aliases: _z

Execute this block once for each corresponding pair of elements from two lists (coerces numbers to ranges). Both elements are pushed onto the stack. Collect the results into a list, which has the same length as the shorter of the arguments; if one list is longer, its extra elements are ignored.


Stability: beta


Execute this block once for each corresponding pair of elements from two lists (coerces numbers to ranges). Both elements are pushed onto the stack. Collect the results into a list, which has the same length as the longer of the arguments; if one list is shorter, the other list's extra elements are put verbatim into the list.

Stability: unstable

Aliases: _boundary

Run this block, but catch any exception and push its Python traceback, or an empty list if nothing happens. Does not catch breaks, continues, or KeyboardInterrupts (?) (but does catch exits).

Stability: alpha

Aliases: _all

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); push whether at least one result is truthy.

Stability: beta

Aliases: _autozip, _az

Execute this block once for each adjacent pair of elements from a list (coerces numbers to ranges). Both elements are pushed onto the stack.

Stability: alpha

Aliases: _max

Apply this block to each element of a list and return the element for which the block's result is maximum.

Stability: alpha

Aliases: _count

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); push the number of truthy results.

Stability: alpha

Aliases: _exists, _any

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); push whether at least one result is truthy.

Stability: alpha

Aliases: _enumap

Apply this block to each index and element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); collect the results into a new list.

Stability: unstable

Aliases: _countdistinct

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); push the number of distinct elements that gave truthy results.

Stability: unstable

Aliases: _countnot,

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); push the number of falsy results.

Stability: alpha

Aliases: _none

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); push whether all results are falsy.

Stability: alpha

Aliases: _loopzip

Execute this block once for each corresponding pair of elements from two lists (coerces numbers to ranges). Both elements are pushed onto the stack. Collect the results into a list, which has the same length as the longer of the arguments; if one list is shorter, that list's elements are cycled until it is the same length as the longer list.

Stability: alpha

Aliases: _organize, _org

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges), and then organize the elements into groups based on which ones yield the same block outputs.

Stability: unstable

Aliases: _unemap

Apply this block to each element and index of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); collect the results into a new list.

Stability: alpha

Aliases: _mapproduct, _product, _prod

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); take the deep product of the results.

Stability: alpha

Aliases: _min

Apply this block to each element of a list and return the element for which the block's result is minimum.

Stability: alpha

Aliases: _mapsum, _sum

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); deeply sum the results.

Stability: beta

Aliases: _ziplongest

Execute this block once for each corresponding pair of elements from two lists (coerces numbers to ranges). Both elements are pushed onto the stack. Collect the results into a list, which has the same length as the longer of the arguments; if one list is shorter, the other list's extra elements are put verbatim into the list.

Stability: unstable

Aliases: _countnot,

Apply this block to each element of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); push the number of falsy results.

String Trailers


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _reluctant

Convert to a reluctant block that pushes this string.


Stability: beta

Print debugging information about the contents of the stack.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _format

Formats elements on the stack with Python % formatting. If no % sign is in the string, prepends a %.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _f

Formats elements on the stack with Python % formatting. If no % sign is in the string, prepends a %.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _interpolate

Interpolate elements on the stack into % signs in this string.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _t

Pop an element; push this string if it's truthy, and an empty string if not.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _o

Interpolate elements on the stack into % signs in this string, then outputs the result.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _i

Interpolate elements on the stack into % signs in this string.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _p

Interpolate elements on the stack into % signs in this string, then outputs the result followed by an output record separator.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _interoutput

Interpolate elements on the stack into % signs in this string, then outputs the result.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _interprint

Interpolate elements on the stack into % signs in this string, then outputs the result followed by an output record separator.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _

Convert to a reluctant block that pushes this string.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _iftrue

Pop an element; push this string if it's truthy, and an empty string if not.

Int Trailers


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _reluctant

Convert to a reluctant block that pushes this number.


Stability: beta

Aliases: _array

Pop some number of elements and push them back in a new array.


Stability: beta

Aliases: _a

Pop some number of elements and push them back in a new array.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _bits

Convert to list of bits.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _b

Convert to list of bits.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _digits

Convert to list of digits.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _x

Delete the nth element of the stack (zero-indexed, so the element below n other elements). Mnemonic: ??? x is like crossing something out, but we really don't have any similar mnemonics right now.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _d

Convert to list of digits.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _force

Pop some number of elements and push them back immediately. Generally a no-op except in that it may force input/stack triggers to occur and will affect how shadow stacks behave. Usually used for debugging.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _f

Pop some number of elements and push them back immediately. Generally a no-op except in that it may force input/stack triggers to occur and will affect how shadow stacks behave. Usually used for debugging.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _get

Index into a sequence.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _g

Index into a sequence.


Stability: stable

Aliases: _hundred

Multiply by a hundred.


Stability: stable

Aliases: _h

Multiply by a hundred.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _in

Move the top element of the stack to position n (zero-indexed, so below n other elements.)


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _j

Imaginary number.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _i

Move the top element of the stack to position n (zero-indexed, so below n other elements.)


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _imag

Imaginary number.


Stability: stable

Aliases: _thousand

Multiply by a thousand.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _last

Index from the end of a sequence.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _l

Index from the end of a sequence.


Stability: stable

Aliases: _minus



Stability: stable

Aliases: _m



Stability: unstable

Aliases: _out

Move the nth element of the stack (zero-indexed, so the element below n other elements) to the top.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _o

Move the nth element of the stack (zero-indexed, so the element below n other elements) to the top.


Stability: beta

Aliases: _power

Raise something to this power.


Stability: beta

Aliases: _p

Raise something to this power.


Stability: unstable


Interpret this number in binary and push the bits of this number (directly onto the stack in order).


Stability: unstable


Push the digits of this number (directly onto the stack in order).


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _quarter

Let X be this number over four. For numbers, multiply by X. For lists, take the first floor(X) elements. For blocks, run with probability X.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _q

Let X be this number over four. For numbers, multiply by X. For lists, take the first floor(X) elements. For blocks, run with probability X.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _root

Take the nth root.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _

Convert to a reluctant block that pushes this number.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _r

Take the nth root.


Stability: stable

Aliases: _k

Multiply by a thousand.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _under

Push under the top element.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _u

Push under the top element.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _delete

Delete the nth element of the stack (zero-indexed, so the element below n other elements). Mnemonic: ??? x is like crossing something out, but we really don't have any similar mnemonics right now.


Stability: beta

Aliases: _zip

Pop some number of elements and zip them together.


Stability: beta

Aliases: _z

Pop some number of elements and zip them together.

Stability: unstable

Aliases: _pushbits

Interpret this number in binary and push the bits of this number (directly onto the stack in order).

Stability: unstable

Subtract this constant. Deeply vectorizes.

NOTE: This trailer also works on capital letters, interpreted as base-36 constants (A = 10 until Z = 35). This is not a syntax special case; essentially you can imagine there's a family of built-ins with the right names.

Stability: unstable

Add this constant. Deeply vectorizes.

NOTE: This trailer also works on capital letters, interpreted as base-36 constants (A = 10 until Z = 35). This is not a syntax special case; essentially you can imagine there's a family of built-ins with the right names.

Stability: unstable

Squares this constant.

NOTE: This trailer also works on capital letters, interpreted as base-36 constants (A = 10 until Z = 35). This is not a syntax special case; essentially you can imagine there's a family of built-ins with the right names.

Stability: unstable

Takes 2 to the power of this constant.

NOTE: This trailer also works on capital letters, interpreted as base-36 constants (A = 10 until Z = 35). This is not a syntax special case; essentially you can imagine there's a family of built-ins with the right names.

Stability: unstable

Negates this constant.

NOTE: This trailer also works on capital letters, interpreted as base-36 constants (A = 10 until Z = 35). This is not a syntax special case; essentially you can imagine there's a family of built-ins with the right names.

Stability: unstable

Inverts this constant.

NOTE: This trailer also works on capital letters, interpreted as base-36 constants (A = 10 until Z = 35). This is not a syntax special case; essentially you can imagine there's a family of built-ins with the right names.

Stability: unstable

Aliases: _pushdigits

Push the digits of this number (directly onto the stack in order).

Stability: unstable

Divide by this constant. Deeply vectorizes.

NOTE: This trailer also works on capital letters, interpreted as base-36 constants (A = 10 until Z = 35). This is not a syntax special case; essentially you can imagine there's a family of built-ins with the right names.

Stability: unstable

Multiply by this constant. Deeply vectorizes.

NOTE: This trailer also works on capital letters, interpreted as base-36 constants (A = 10 until Z = 35). This is not a syntax special case; essentially you can imagine there's a family of built-ins with the right names.

Stability: unstable

Not implemented yet.

NOTE: This trailer also works on capital letters, interpreted as base-36 constants (A = 10 until Z = 35). This is not a syntax special case; essentially you can imagine there's a family of built-ins with the right names.

Stability: unstable

Mod by this constant. Deeply vectorizes.

NOTE: This trailer also works on capital letters, interpreted as base-36 constants (A = 10 until Z = 35). This is not a syntax special case; essentially you can imagine there's a family of built-ins with the right names.

Stability: unstable

Takes 10 to the power of this constant.

NOTE: This trailer also works on capital letters, interpreted as base-36 constants (A = 10 until Z = 35). This is not a syntax special case; essentially you can imagine there's a family of built-ins with the right names.

Float Trailers


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _reluctant

Convert to a reluctant block that pushes this number.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _hundred

Multiply by a hundred.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _h

Multiply by a hundred.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _thousand

Multiply by a thousand.


Stability: stable

Aliases: _minus



Stability: stable

Aliases: _m



Stability: alpha

Aliases: _

Convert to a reluctant block that pushes this number.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _k

Multiply by a thousand.

Hoard Trailers


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _append

Append (to the right).


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _a

Append (to the right).


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _appendleft, _b

Append to the left, aka back.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _appendback, _b

Append to the left, aka back.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _appendleft, _appendback

Append to the left, aka back.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _copy

Copy into a new Hoard.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _c

Copy into a new Hoard.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _delete

Delete a key


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _d

Delete a key


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _j

Push a list copy of the hoard, then clear the hoard.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _x

Extend (with a sequence, to the right).


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _get

Get a key with a default value if the key is not found


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _g

Get a key with a default value if the key is not found


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _z

Get value at a key with 0 as default is the key is not found


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _haskey

Test if a key exists


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _h

Test if a key exists


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _eject

Push a list copy of the hoard, then clear the hoard.


Stability: unstable

Get list of keys


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _list

To list


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _l

To list


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _modify

Modify at an index or key: change the value at that index or key to the result of running that value through incrementing an integer or running a block. If no value existed there previously, 0 is assumed. (In the future we may handle other types of values differently.)


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _m

Modify at an index or key: change the value at that index or key to the result of running that value through incrementing an integer or running a block. If no value existed there previously, 0 is assumed. (In the future we may handle other types of values differently.)


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _updateone

Put 1 at a key


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _pop

Pop (from the right).


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _p

Pop (from the right).


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _q

Pop from the left. Dequeue, perhaps.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _popleft

Pop from the left. Dequeue, perhaps.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _replace

Completely replace data.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _r

Completely replace data.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _translate

Translate a list through looking up keys, with default 0 (coerces numbers to ranges).


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _t

Translate a list through looking up keys, with default 0 (coerces numbers to ranges).


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _update

Update at an index or key.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: _u

Update at an index or key.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _o

Put 1 at a key


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _extend

Extend (with a sequence, to the right).


Stability: unstable

Aliases: _getzero

Get value at a key with 0 as default is the key is not found



Stability: unstable


Stability: unstable

Integer constant with value 1


Stability: stable


Do nothing.


Stability: stable

Aliases: Nop, SPACE, TAB, RETURN

Do nothing.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Line_split, Lines, Line_break, \nb

Split by a single newline.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Map_on_lines, \nm

Map on lines: takes a block and a string, split the string into lines, map the block over the tokens, then join the tokens with a linebreak.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Newline_output, \no

Output a newline.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Newline_print, \np

Output a newline, followed by an output record separator.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Line_join, \nr

Join with newlines


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Newline_repeat, \nx


Stability: stable


Do nothing.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Ŋ

Unstable aliases for Line_join.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Printkeep, Ƥ

Pop something, output to standard output followed by an output record separator, then push it back. Pretty much just Print__keep.


Stability: stable


Do nothing.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Space_split, Space_break

Split by a single space. Note that this returns empty strings between adjacent spaces, as well as at the start or end if the string starts or ends with spaces, and it does not split by other whitespace. Use Words if you don't want that.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Map_on_words

Map on words: takes a block and a string, split the string by spaces, map the block over the tokens, then join the tokens with a space.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Space_output

Output a space.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Rectangularize_with_space

Rectangularize a matrix with spaces: append the space character as necessary to rows until the matrix is rectangular. Mnemonic: Q for Quadrangle.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Space_join


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Transpose_fill_with_space

Transpose a matrix, or list of lists (or of strings), adding the space character as necessary until the matrix is rectangular.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Space_repeat


Stability: stable

Logical Not: 0 and empty lists/strings yield 1, everything else yields 0. Or postcompose a logical NOT onto a block (not recursively though).


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Not_imaginary

Test if the imaginary part is zero. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Permutations_or_factorial, ¡


Stability: beta

Aliases: Count_maybe_factors

Count factor multiplicity, frequency, or number satisfying predicate. Mnemonic: number sign, as in you're counting the number of something


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Count_pairs

Given a sequence, return a list of pairs, each pair with a distinct element and the number of times it appears in the sequence.

Stability: alpha

Aliases: Most_frequent

Most frequently appearing element.

Stability: alpha

Aliases: Least_frequent

Least frequently appearing element.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Sort_or_stack_select

Sort or select from stack


Stability: beta

Aliases: Is_sorted

Test if sorted


Stability: stable

Aliases: Mod_or_slice_mod_or_split_nonempty_or_map

Modulus on numbers. On a sequence and number, slice elements at indices equal to 0 mod the number, just like Python s[::n] (negative numbers reverse the sequence). On two sequences, split the first sequence around occurrences of the second sequence, discarding empty tokens. Map on blocks and sequences (numbers coerce to ranges).

"tweedledee""e"% => ["tw" "dl" "d"]


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Divmod_or_zip,

On integers, integer division and modulus. On two sequences or a block and two sequences, Zip.

Stability: unstable

Aliases: Positive_biased_balanced_mod

Balanced mod: on a and b, returns the number that's equal to a mod b and as close to 0 as possible, preferring |b|/2 over -|b|/2.

Stability: unstable

Aliases: Negative_biased_balanced_mod

Balanced mod: on a and b, returns the number that's equal to a mod b and as close to 0 as possible, preferring -|b|/2 over |b|/2.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Bin_and_or_intersection_or_if

Binary AND on numbers. Intersection on sequences. One-branch if on blocks.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Pure_imaginary, ?j

Test if the real part is zero. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Boolean_and

Takes two arguments, leaves the first if the first is truthy and the second if the first is falsy.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Decr_or_uncons_or_modify_first

Decr or Uncons or Modify_first.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Prev_prime

Find the largest prime smaller than this.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Butlast

All but last of sequence


Stability: beta

Aliases: Incr_or_unsnoc_or_modify_last

Incr or Unsnoc or Modify_last.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Next_prime

Find the smallest prime larger than this.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Butfirst

All but first of sequence


Stability: beta

Aliases: Mul_or_xloop

Multiplication on numbers. Repetition on sequences with numbers. "Flat" Cartesian product on two sequences (this returns a single-level list of pairs, rather than a list of lists of pairs; if you want the latter, see T). X-loop on blocks and sequences, in which elements and corresponding indices are pushed onto the X-stack, but not pushed onto the stack (numbers coerce to ranges, so, if you don't use the variable X, it's just repeating a block some number of times.)

See also _xloop.

3 {2*} 4* => 48
{X} 4* => 0 1 2 3
[2 3 5 7] {2X#} * => 4 8 32 128


Stability: alpha

Multiply by the imaginary unit. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: King_neighbors

Return a list of almost-copies of the object, every variant obtainable by modifying each deep element by -1, 0, or 1, except for the original object itself.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Power, ˆ

On numbers, power/exponentiate. On a list and a number, exponentiate the list by making a list of all lists of that length composed of elements from the original list (possibly repeating).


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Product, Þ

(Deep) product (coerces numbers to range!?).


Stability: stable

Aliases: Plus_or_filter_or_compose, Plus_or_filter

Addition on numbers. Concatenation on lists and strings (numbers coerce to single-element lists or to strings). Filter on block and list (numbers coerce to ranges). Compose on blocks.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Plus_ints

Add two things after coercing both to integers.


Stability: alpha

First number plus second number times the imaginary unit.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Plus_lengths

Add two things after coercing both to ints or floats, sequences by taking their length.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Orthogonal_neighbors

Return a list of almost-copies of the object, two per deep element, one with that deep element decreased by 1 and one with it increased by 1.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Positive_or_zero


Stability: beta

Aliases: Positive


Stability: beta

Aliases: Sum, Š

(Deep) sum (coerces numbers to range).


Stability: beta

Aliases: Range_enumerate_or_filter_indices

Range on numbers. Enumerate (zip with indices from 0) on sequences. On block and sequence, list indices at which block is true.

Compare Range_enumerate_one_or_reject_indices.


Stability: stable

Aliases: Minus_or_reject

Golf as: -

Subtraction on numbers. Filter-not-in on lists and strings (numbers coerce to single-element lists). Filter-not on block and list (numbers coerce to ranges). See also Antiminus.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Clamped_subtract

Subtraction clamped to zero, or saturating subtraction: the maximum of the subtraction or 0.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Minus_ints

Subtract two things after coercing both to integers.


Stability: alpha

First number minus second number times the imaginary unit.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Minus_lengths

Subtract two things after coercing both to ints or floats, sequences by taking their length.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Negative_or_zero


Stability: beta

Aliases: Negative


Stability: stable

Aliases: Div_or_split_or_each

Float division on numbers. On a sequence and number, split the sequence into chunks of size equal to the number, including leftovers if any. On two sequences, split the first sequence around occurrences of the second sequence. For-each on blocks and sequences (numbers coerce to ranges).

See also Intdiv_or_split_discard.

[1 2 3 4]2/ => [[1 2][3 4]]
[1 2 3 4 5]2/ => [[1 2][3 4][5]]
"tweedledee""e"% => ["tw" "" "dl" "d" "" ""]


Stability: alpha

Divide by the imaginary unit; equivalently, multiply by -1j. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: stable

Aliases: Dup

Duplicate the top element of the stack.

1 2 3 : => 1 2 3 3


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Is_array

Test if array (or range)


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Is_block

Test if block


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Is_char

Test if Char


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Is_float

Test if float


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Is_hoard

Test if hoard


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Is_int

Test if integer


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Is_complex

Test if complex


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Is_number

Test if number (char, int, float, complex)


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Dup_out

Duplicate the second element of the stack onto the top: a b -> a b a

1 2 3 :o => 1 2 3 2


Stability: beta

Aliases: Dup_pair, ¦

Duplicate the top two elements of the stack: a b -> a b a b

1 2 3 :p => 1 2 3 2 3


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Is_string

Test if string


Stability: stable

Aliases: Pop

Pop the top element of the stack.

1 2 3; => 1 2


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Pop_around

Pop the first and third from the top elements of the stack, named to be somewhat analogous to \a.

1 2 3;a => 2


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Pop_if_false

Look at the top element of the stack. Pop it if it's falsy.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Pop_if

Pop the top element of the stack. Pop the second element if the first element was truthy.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Imaginary_part

Imaginary part. Deeply vectorizes because why not. Mnemonic: deletes part of the complex number like ;. Keeps the imaginary part rather than deleting it because direct conversion to float, F, already computes the real part.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Pop_if_not

Pop the top element of the stack. Pop the second element if the first element was falsy.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Pop_out

Pop the third from the top element of the stack, named to be somewhat analogous to \o.

1 2 3;o => 2 3


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Pop_second_pair

Pop the second and third from the top elements of the stack. Not the first and second because that's ;_d.

1 2 3;p => 3


Stability: beta

Aliases: Pop_stack


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Pop_if_true

Look at the top element of the stack. Pop it if it's truthy.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Lt_or_slice

On two numbers, two strings, or two lists, compare if the first is less than the second. On a number and a sequence, slice elements with index less than the number, as Python s[:n]. On a sequence (numbers coerce to ranges) and a block, "take while", or return the longest prefix of elements that all satisfy the block.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Lt_approx

Approximately less than; tolerance is given by Ep, epsilon


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Left_cycle

Left cycle a list or string by some number of elements, which are cut off the left and reattached to the right.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Leq_or_slice

Less than or equal to.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Leq_length

Less than or equal to, after coercing two arguments to ints or floats, sequences by taking their length.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Left_fill_with_spaces

Given a value and a length, convert the value to a string if necessary and left-pad it with spaces until at least the length.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Has_prefix

Test if the first argument has a prefix equal to the second argument (numbers coerce to single-element lists; if at least one argument is a string, both coerce to strings).


Stability: beta

Aliases: Floor

Golf as:

Round down to the nearest integer.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Lt_length

Less than, after coercing two arguments to ints or floats, sequences by taking their length.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Min, Õ

Minimum of two values, optionally by a block


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Min_deep_vectorizing, Õw

Minimum of two values; deeply vectorizes.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Left_cycle_one

Left cycle a list or string Once: move the first element to the last.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Is_strictly_increasing

Test if strictly increasing


Stability: beta

Aliases: Array_min, Œ

Minimum of array, optionally by a block (numbers will coerce to ranges if you supply a block). Mnemonic: it's like reducing by minimum of two values.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Array_minima, Œs

Minima of array, optionally by a block (numbers will coerce to ranges if you supply a block).


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Left_shift_or_slices

Left_shift on numbers, Left_slices on a sequence


Stability: beta

Aliases: Equal_or_index_or_find

On two numbers, two strings, or two lists, compare for equality. On a number and a sequence, index into the sequence. On a block and a sequence (numbers coerce to ranges), find the first element satisfying the block.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Eq_approx

Approximately equal than; tolerance is given by Ep, epsilon


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Index_cyclically

Index into a list cyclically, by taking the index mod the length of the list.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Center_fill_with_spaces

Given a value and a length, convert the value to a string if necessary and pad it with equally many spaces on either side until at least the length.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: First_duplicate

Find the first element that appears a second time in a sequence.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Has_infix

Test if the first argument has a substring equal to the second argument (numbers coerce to single-element lists; if at least one argument is a string, both coerce to strings).


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Round

Round to the nearest integer; follows Python's rules.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Eq_length

Equal to, after coercing two arguments to ints or floats, sequences by taking their length.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Median_of_three

Median of three values, optionally by a block


Stability: beta

Aliases: Identical

Golf as: Î


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Array_median

Median of array


Stability: unstable

Aliases: All_slices, §

All slices of a sequence (numbers coerce to ranges).


Stability: beta

Aliases: Gt_or_slice

On two numbers, two strings, or two lists, compare if the first is greater than the second. On a number and a sequence, slice elements with index greater than or equal to the number, as Python s[n:]. On a sequence (numbers coerce to ranges) and a block, "drop while", or return the suffix starting with the first element that fails to satisfy the block.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Gt_approx

Approximately greater than; tolerance is given by Ep, epsilon


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Right_cycle

Right cycle a list or string by some number of elements, which are cut off the right and reattached to the left.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Geq_or_slice

Greater than or equal to.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Geq_length

Greater than or equal to, after coercing two arguments to ints or floats, sequences by taking their length.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Right_fill_with_spaces

Given a value and a length, convert the value to a string if necessary and right-pad it with spaces until at least the length.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Has_suffix

Test if the first argument has a suffix equal to the second argument (numbers coerce to single-element lists; if at least one argument is a string, both coerce to strings).


Stability: beta

Aliases: Ceiling

Golf as:

Round up to the nearest integer.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Gt_length

Greater than, after coercing two arguments to ints or floats, sequences by taking their length.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Max, Ã

Maximum of two values, optionally by a block


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Max_deep_vectorizing, Ãw

Maximum of two values; deeply vectorizes.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Right_cycle_one

Right cycle a list or string Once: move the last element to the first.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Is_strictly_decreasing

Test if strictly decreasing


Stability: beta

Aliases: Array_max, Æ

Maximum of array, optionally by a block (numbers will coerce to ranges if you supply a block). Mnemonic: it's like reducing by maximum of two values.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Array_maxima, Æs

Maxima of array, optionally by a block (numbers will coerce to ranges if you supply a block).


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Right_shift_or_slices

Right_shift on numbers, Right_slices on a sequence


Stability: beta

Aliases: If_else


1 "True!" "False" ? => "True!"


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Pure_imaginary, &j

Test if the real part is zero. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Find_index

Inside a sequence (numbers coerce to ranges), find the first index of an element, a substring, or something satisfying a block. Mnemonic: finds where the element is AT.


Stability: stable

Utility constant: ten

Integer constant with value 10


Stability: alpha


String constant with value 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'


Stability: beta

Aliases: Â

Above zero or All


Stability: stable

Golf as: L

Absolute value of a number.


Stability: stable

Aliases: Ad, ±

Absolute difference. Mnemonic: + is for "positive" and - is for "difference".


Stability: alpha

Aliases: L

Abs on numbers; Len on sequences; Loop on blocks.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Acos


Stability: beta

Aliases: Ac


Stability: stable

Aliases: Abs_diff, ±

Absolute difference. Mnemonic: + is for "positive" and - is for "difference".


Stability: alpha

Aliases: All_and_exists


Stability: alpha

Hoardify the A variable: delete all variables starting with A and set A to a new empty hoard.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Complex_components_array

Real and imaginary part, as a list of two elements on the stack. Mnemonic: A for array as usual.


Stability: beta

Aliases: All

Golf as: Â


Stability: beta

Aliases: Al

Golf as: Â


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Ae


Stability: unstable

Aliases: =s, §

All slices of a sequence (numbers coerce to ranges).


Stability: beta

Aliases: Any

Golf as: Ê


Stability: beta

Aliases: ¯

Reversed subtraction. Compare Minus_or_reject.


Stability: beta

Aliases: An

Golf as: Ê


Stability: beta

Aliases: Is_alpha

Tests if characters are letters. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: beta

Aliases: >r, Æ

Maximum of array, optionally by a block (numbers will coerce to ranges if you supply a block). Mnemonic: it's like reducing by maximum of two values.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: >rs, Æs

Maxima of array, optionally by a block (numbers will coerce to ranges if you supply a block).


Stability: alpha

Aliases: =r

Median of array


Stability: beta

Aliases: <r, Œ

Minimum of array, optionally by a block (numbers will coerce to ranges if you supply a block). Mnemonic: it's like reducing by minimum of two values.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: <rs, Œs

Minima of array, optionally by a block (numbers will coerce to ranges if you supply a block).


Stability: beta

Aliases: Asin


Stability: beta

Aliases: As


Stability: alpha

Aliases: ·

Assign to the variable •


Stability: alpha


Pop and assign to the variable •


Stability: beta

Aliases: Atan


Stability: beta

Aliases: At


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Az

Collect the list of adjacent pairs of elements of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); or map a block across these pairs, which is equivalent to zipping the list with its own tail.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Average

Average (deep).


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Av

Average (deep).


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Autozip

Collect the list of adjacent pairs of elements of a list (coerces numbers to ranges); or map a block across these pairs, which is equivalent to zipping the list with its own tail.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Base_or_product_map

Base or Product_map (mnemonic: Bi-map, mapping over two things at once. Note that the result is a single-level list of results; for a "table" or a list of lists, see T.


Stability: beta

Golf as: B

Base. On two numbers, converts the first to a list of digits in the radix of the second. On a list or a string and a number, interprets the sequence as digits (numbers if a list, digit characters if a string) in the radix of the number and converts to a number.


Stability: beta

Aliases: B

Base or Product_map (mnemonic: Bi-map, mapping over two things at once. Note that the result is a single-level list of results; for a "table" or a list of lists, see T.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Binomial_coefficient

Golf as: Ç


Stability: alpha

Hoardify the B variable: delete all variables starting with B and set B to a new empty hoard.


Stability: alpha

Golf as: ¥

Bimask: Zip two sequences and push two filtered versions of the first sequence, one of elements where the corresponding elements of the second are falsy, and one of the remaining.


Stability: beta

Aliases: &

Binary AND on numbers. Intersection on sequences. One-branch if on blocks.


Stability: beta

Aliases: |

Binary OR on numbers. Union on sequences. One-branch unless on blocks.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Bs

Converts numbers to their binary representation as a string. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Bc

Golf as: Ç


Stability: beta

Aliases: &p

Takes two arguments, leaves the first if the first is truthy and the second if the first is falsy.


Stability: beta

Aliases: |p

Takes two arguments, leaves the first if the first is falsy and the second if the first is truthy.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Quit_loop, Q

Break out of the current loop.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Bin_string

Converts numbers to their binary representation as a string. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: beta

Aliases: )s

All but first of sequence


Stability: beta

Aliases: (s

All but last of sequence


Stability: alpha

Aliases: To_char_or_peekloop

On a non-block value, To_char; on a block, Peekdo. Mnemonic: "C" is right next to "D" and it's a homophone of "see", which is a synonym of "peek".


Stability: stable

Golf as: +

Concatenate two lists (numbers coerce to single-element lists).


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Cb

two copies of a with b between: a, b -> a + b + a. Numbers coerce to single-element lists.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Cf

a with two copies of b flanking: a, b -> b + a + b. Numbers coerce to single-element lists.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Cat_between

two copies of a with b between: a, b -> a + b + a. Numbers coerce to single-element lists.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Csc


Stability: beta

Aliases: >i

Golf as:

Round up to the nearest integer.


Stability: beta


Ceiling or Last of sequence or Modify_last


Stability: unstable

Aliases: =f

Given a value and a length, convert the value to a string if necessary and pad it with equally many spaces on either side until at least the length.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Cat_flank

a with two copies of b flanking: a, b -> b + a + b. Numbers coerce to single-element lists.


Stability: alpha

Hoardify the C variable: delete all variables starting with C and set C to a new empty hoard.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: -c

Subtraction clamped to zero, or saturating subtraction: the maximum of the subtraction or 0.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Compare, ˜

Compare (-1, 0, or 1)


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Co, ˜

Compare (-1, 0, or 1)


Stability: beta

Aliases: ~

Bitwise complement of integers. Expand lists or strings onto the stack, pushing each element separately in order. Eval on a block.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: ~p


Stability: unstable

Aliases: ~j

Real and imaginary part, as two elements on the stack. Mnemonic: Treating the complex number as a length-2 list, this expands it like ~.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Aj

Real and imaginary part, as a list of two elements on the stack. Mnemonic: A for array as usual.


Stability: alpha

Golf as: +

Compose two blocks together.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Mj

Negate the imaginary part. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Keep_going, K

Skip to the next iteration of the current loop.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Cs


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Ct


Stability: beta

Aliases: #

Count factor multiplicity, frequency, or number satisfying predicate. Mnemonic: number sign, as in you're counting the number of something


Stability: alpha

Aliases: #p

Given a sequence, return a list of pairs, each pair with a distinct element and the number of times it appears in the sequence.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Cos


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Cc


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Cot


Stability: beta

Aliases: ³

Cube a number, or compute the Cartesian product of three copies of a sequence.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Reverse_or_doloop, Down_or_doloop

On a number of a sequence, Reverse; on a block, Doloop.


Stability: alpha

Digit alphabet

String constant with value '0123456789'


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Dictionary

Convert to new dictionary hoard.


Stability: alpha

A variable tested to see whether debugging output in the program should be enabled.

Integer constant with value 1


Stability: beta

Golf as: (

Decrease by 1.


Stability: beta

Aliases: (

Decr or Uncons or Modify_first.


Stability: beta

Golf as: «

Decrease by 2.


Stability: beta

Aliases: «

Decrease by two, or all but last


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Dl

Deep length.


Stability: alpha

Hoardify the D variable: delete all variables starting with D and set D to a new empty hoard.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Dc

Convert to new dictionary hoard.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Dr

Digit sum of integers. Deeply vectorizes. Mnemonic: r for reduce as always, since this is a reduction over the digits, and probably the most natural one.


Stability: stable

Aliases: /

Float division on numbers. On a sequence and number, split the sequence into chunks of size equal to the number, including leftovers if any. On two sequences, split the first sequence around occurrences of the second sequence. For-each on blocks and sequences (numbers coerce to ranges).

See also Intdiv_or_split_discard.

[1 2 3 4]2/ => [[1 2][3 4]]
[1 2 3 4 5]2/ => [[1 2][3 4][5]]
"tweedledee""e"% => ["tw" "" "dl" "d" "" ""]


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Ò

Division on numbers; deeply vectorizes.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: , %p

On integers, integer division and modulus. On two sequences or a block and two sequences, Zip.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Range_one_down

Range, inclusive downward from 1


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Deep_length

Deep length.


Stability: beta

Golf as: D

Do loop: execute the block, then pop an element, and repeat until the popped element is falsy.


Stability: beta

Aliases: ×


Stability: beta

Aliases: Reverse

Golf as: D

Reverse a sequence (coerces numbers to range).


Stability: beta

Aliases: Reverse_or_doloop, D

On a number of a sequence, Reverse; on a block, Doloop.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Reverse_stack, Ds


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Is_digit

Tests if characters are digits. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Digit_sum

Digit sum of integers. Deeply vectorizes. Mnemonic: r for reduce as always, since this is a reduction over the digits, and probably the most natural one.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Reverse_stack, Down_stack


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Pdebug

Print debugging information about the environment and stack.


Stability: stable

Aliases: :

Duplicate the top element of the stack.

1 2 3 : => 1 2 3 3


Stability: alpha

Aliases: :o

Duplicate the second element of the stack onto the top: a b -> a b a

1 2 3 :o => 1 2 3 2


Stability: beta

Aliases: :p, ¦

Duplicate the top two elements of the stack: a b -> a b a b

1 2 3 :p => 1 2 3 2 3


Stability: beta

Aliases: Exit

Exit the current program.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Epoch_minute

Get the minute from a timestamp


Stability: beta

Aliases: Exit_with_code

Exit the current program with the specified exit code or message.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Epoch_day

Get the day from a timestamp


Stability: beta

Float constant with value 2.718281828459045


Stability: beta

Aliases: Exp

Exponential Function


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Epoch_hour

Get the hour from a timestamp


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Epoch_twelve_hour

Get the hour, as a number from 1 to 12 from a timestamp


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Epoch_day_of_year

Get the day of year from a timestamp


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Epoch_month

Get the month from a timestamp


Stability: beta

Golf as: ,

Zip with indices from 0.


Stability: beta

Golf as: J

Zip with indices from 1.


Stability: beta

Epsilon for approximate tests

Float constant with value 1e-09


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Ed

Get the day from a timestamp


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Ej

Get the day of year from a timestamp


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Eh

Get the hour from a timestamp


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Eu

Get the ISO weekday (Monday is 1, Sunday is 7) from a timestamp


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Eb

Get the minute from a timestamp


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Em

Get the month from a timestamp


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Es

Get the second from a timestamp


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Ei

Get the hour, as a number from 1 to 12 from a timestamp


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Ew

Get the weekday (Monday is 0, Sunday is 6) from a timestamp


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Ey

Get the year from a timestamp


Stability: beta

Aliases: Equal

Test for value equality.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: =a

Approximately equal than; tolerance is given by Ep, epsilon


Stability: unstable

Aliases: =l

Equal to, after coercing two arguments to ints or floats, sequences by taking their length.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Eq

Test for value equality.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Is

Test for Python identity (is)


Stability: beta

Aliases: =

On two numbers, two strings, or two lists, compare for equality. On a number and a sequence, index into the sequence. On a block and a sequence (numbers coerce to ranges), find the first element satisfying the block.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Î

Identity (equals 1) or Identical


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Range_evens_exclusive

Range, evens, from 0, exclusive


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Epoch_second

Get the second from a timestamp


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Totient

Euler's Totient function. If you don't need vectorizing, Ø works too.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Epoch_iso_weekday

Get the ISO weekday (Monday is 1, Sunday is 7) from a timestamp


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Even


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Pd

Evaluate a string as Paradoc code


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Ev


Stability: beta

Aliases: Ê

Even or Any (Exists)


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Epoch_weekday

Get the weekday (Monday is 0, Sunday is 6) from a timestamp


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Xc

Swaps the case of all characters. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: beta

Aliases: ^

Binary XOR on numbers. Symmetric difference on sequences. Find last on block and sequence.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Tl


Stability: beta

Aliases: ¨


Stability: beta

Aliases: E

Exit the current program.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Ec

Exit the current program with the specified exit code or message.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Ef

Exponential Function


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Epoch_year

Get the year from a timestamp


Stability: beta

Aliases: To_float_or_fixed_point

On a non-block value, To_float; on a block, Fixed_point.


Stability: beta

Golf as: ¡


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Fc

Factorize as a list of pairs of primes and exponents


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Ff

Factorize as a flat list of possibly repeating prime factors


Stability: beta

Aliases: Fibonacci


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Factorize

Factorize as a list of pairs of primes and exponents


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Factorize_flat

Factorize as a flat list of possibly repeating prime factors


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Float_groups

Finds float-looking parts of a string and converts them to floats.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Fb


Stability: stable

Golf as: +

Filter a list by a block (numbers coerce to ranges).


Stability: beta

Golf as: ,

List indices at which block is true. Short: ,


Stability: stable

Aliases: Reject

Golf as: -

Filter-not a list by a block (numbers coerce to ranges).


Stability: stable

Aliases: Reject_in

Golf as: -

Filter-not-in on lists and strings (numbers coerce to single-element lists).


Stability: beta

Aliases: @

Inside a sequence (numbers coerce to ranges), find the first index of an element, a substring, or something satisfying a block. Mnemonic: finds where the element is AT.


Stability: stable

Golf as:

First of sequence


Stability: alpha

First and last of sequence


Stability: unstable

Aliases: =g

Find the first element that appears a second time in a sequence.


Stability: alpha

Golf as: F

Iterate a block, peeking at the stack between iterations, until a value repeats. Pushes that value. (This is more general than a "fixed point" as usually defined since it doesn't require a value to repeat after just one iteration.)


Stability: beta

Aliases: Flatten


Stability: beta

Aliases: Fl


Stability: beta

Aliases: Fo


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Fg

Finds float-looking parts of a string and converts them to floats.


Stability: beta

Aliases: <i

Golf as:

Round down to the nearest integer.


Stability: beta


Floor or First of sequence or Modify_first


Stability: beta

Aliases: Flatten_once


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Fs


Stability: alpha

Aliases: «s

Left slices (including the empty one, by increasing length)


Stability: alpha

Aliases: »s

Right slices (including the empty one, by increasing length)


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Force_stack


Stability: beta

Aliases: Group_maybe_by

GCD; group like elements of a sequence, possibly under a mapping.


Stability: beta


Stability: unstable

Aliases: >el

Greater than or equal to, after coercing two arguments to ints or floats, sequences by taking their length.


Stability: beta

Aliases: >e

Greater than or equal to.


Stability: beta

Golf as: G

Group into runs of equal elements.

[3 1 2 2 1 1 1]G => [[3][1][2 2][1 1 1]]


Stability: beta

Golf as: G

Group into runs of equal elements according to the block


Stability: beta

Aliases: G

GCD; group like elements of a sequence, possibly under a mapping.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: >a

Approximately greater than; tolerance is given by Ep, epsilon


Stability: unstable

Aliases: >l

Greater than, after coercing two arguments to ints or floats, sequences by taking their length.


Stability: beta

Aliases: >

On two numbers, two strings, or two lists, compare if the first is greater than the second. On a number and a sequence, slice elements with index greater than or equal to the number, as Python s[n:]. On a sequence (numbers coerce to ranges) and a block, "drop while", or return the suffix starting with the first element that fails to satisfy the block.


Stability: alpha

An empty Hoard


Stability: alpha

Aliases: ½


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Hi


Stability: unstable

Aliases: =h

Test if the first argument has a substring equal to the second argument (numbers coerce to single-element lists; if at least one argument is a string, both coerce to strings).


Stability: unstable

Aliases: <h

Test if the first argument has a prefix equal to the second argument (numbers coerce to single-element lists; if at least one argument is a string, both coerce to strings).


Stability: unstable

Aliases: >h

Test if the first argument has a suffix equal to the second argument (numbers coerce to single-element lists; if at least one argument is a string, both coerce to strings).


Stability: beta

Aliases: Hs

Converts numbers to their hexadecimal representation as a string. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Halve_int


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Ah

Hoardify the A variable: delete all variables starting with A and set A to a new empty hoard.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Bh

Hoardify the B variable: delete all variables starting with B and set B to a new empty hoard.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Ch

Hoardify the C variable: delete all variables starting with C and set C to a new empty hoard.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Dh

Hoardify the D variable: delete all variables starting with D and set D to a new empty hoard.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Hex_string

Converts numbers to their hexadecimal representation as a string. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: unstable

String constant with value 'Hello, World!'


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Hypotenuse

Hypotenuse (square root of sum of squares; deep).


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Hy

Hypotenuse (square root of sum of squares; deep).


Stability: beta

Aliases: To_int_or_iterate

On a non-block value, To_float; on a block, Iterate.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Int_of_alpha

Convert a letter to an integer starting with A = 1; non-letters (or letters outside the Latin alphabet) give 0. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: beta

Aliases: =p

Golf as: Î


Stability: alpha

Single-branch if.


Stability: beta

Aliases: ?


1 "True!" "False" ? => "True!"


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Int_groups

Finds integer-looking parts of a string and converts them to integers.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: ;j

Imaginary part. Deeply vectorizes because why not. Mnemonic: deletes part of the complex number like ;. Keeps the imaginary part rather than deleting it because direct conversion to float, F, already computes the real part.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: ^j, ˆj

Take the power of the imaginary unit to this number. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: beta

Aliases: To


Stability: beta



Stability: beta

Golf as: )

Increase by 1.


Stability: beta

Aliases: )

Incr or Unsnoc or Modify_last.


Stability: beta

Golf as: »

Increase by 2.


Stability: beta

Aliases: »

Increase by two, or all but first (tail)


Stability: unstable

Aliases: =c

Index into a list cyclically, by taking the index mod the length of the list.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: It

Translate the first argument by indexing into the second.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Ig

Finds integer-looking parts of a string and converts them to integers.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Ia

Convert a letter to an integer starting with A = 1; non-letters (or letters outside the Latin alphabet) give 0. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Si

Integer square root.


Stability: beta

Aliases: ÷

Integer division on numbers. On a sequence and number, split the sequence into chunks of size equal to the number, discarding leftovers.

[1 2 3 4]2/ => [[1 2][3 4]]
[1 2 3 4 5]2/ => [[1 2][3 4]]


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Í

Inverse (reciprocal) of numbers. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Equal_identity

Test for Python identity (is)


Stability: beta

Aliases: Ap

Tests if characters are letters. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: :a

Test if array (or range)


Stability: alpha

Aliases: :b

Test if block


Stability: alpha

Aliases: :c

Test if Char


Stability: alpha

Aliases: :j

Test if complex


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Dp

Tests if characters are digits. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: :f

Test if float


Stability: alpha

Aliases: :h

Test if hoard


Stability: alpha

Aliases: :i

Test if integer


Stability: beta

Aliases: Lp

Tests if characters are lowercase. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: :n

Test if number (char, int, float, complex)


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Pp,

Test if this is prime.


Stability: beta

Aliases: $p

Test if sorted


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Wp

Tests if characters are whitespace. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: beta

Aliases: >p

Test if strictly decreasing


Stability: beta

Aliases: <p

Test if strictly increasing


Stability: alpha

Aliases: :s

Test if string


Stability: beta

Aliases: Up

Tests if characters are uppercase. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Index_translate

Translate the first argument by indexing into the second.


Stability: unstable

Golf as: I

Iterate a block, peeking at the stack between iterations, until a value repeats. Pushes all values peeked until (excluding) the repeated value.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Range_enumerate_one_or_reject_indices

Range, inclusive from 1, on numbers. Enumerate from 1 (zip with indices from 1) on sequences. On block and sequence, list indices at which block is false. Mnemonic: the letter J looks like a big comma.

Compare Range_enumerate_or_filter_indices.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Js

Jacobi symbol of two numbers


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Jacobi_symbol

Jacobi symbol of two numbers


Stability: beta

Aliases: Continue, Keep_going

Skip to the next iteration of the current loop.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Continue, K

Skip to the next iteration of the current loop.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Kg

Access value corresponding to a key in an array.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Km

Map over keys of an array.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Kn

Make an array given a starting list of key-value pairs, dimensions, and filler.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Key_get

Access value corresponding to a key in an array.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: *n

Return a list of almost-copies of the object, every variant obtainable by modifying each deep element by -1, 0, or 1, except for the original object itself.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Key_map

Map over keys of an array.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Key_new

Make an array given a starting list of key-value pairs, dimensions, and filler.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Abs_or_len_or_loop

Abs on numbers; Len on sequences; Loop on blocks.


Stability: alpha

Lowercase alphabet

String constant with value 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'


Stability: stable

Golf as:

Last of sequence


Stability: beta

Aliases: Lower_base

Converts the first number to a string of digits in the radix of the second, using lowercase digits. Deeply vectorizes over the first.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Lowercase

Converts all characters to lowercase. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: unstable

LCM of two numbers, or of a list, deeply.


Stability: alpha


Least frequently appearing element.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: «p

Given a list (numbers coerce to ranges), a number, and a filler object, left-pad the list with number copies of the filler object.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: ‹p

Given a value and a length, convert the value to a string if necessary and prepend that many spaces. Mnemonic: well, left-pad (but "fill" doesn't make sense unless you're filling up to something, whereas padding still makes sense.)


Stability: unstable

Aliases: <c

Left cycle a list or string by some number of elements, which are cut off the left and reattached to the right.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: <o

Left cycle a list or string Once: move the first element to the last.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: [f

Given a list (numbers coerce to ranges), a length, and a filler object, left-pad the list with the filler object until at least the length.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: <f

Given a value and a length, convert the value to a string if necessary and left-pad it with spaces until at least the length.


Stability: beta

Golf as: <s

Bitwise left shift


Stability: alpha

Aliases: <s

Left_shift on numbers, Left_slices on a sequence


Stability: alpha

Golf as: <s

Left slices (nonempty, by increasing length)


Stability: stable

Golf as: L

Length of a sequence.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Ls


Stability: unstable

Aliases: <el

Less than or equal to, after coercing two arguments to ints or floats, sequences by taking their length.


Stability: beta

Aliases: <e

Less than or equal to.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Log_two


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Lower_of_int

Convert an integer to a lowercase letter starting with a = 1; things outside the range 1 to 26 give spaces. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Line_split, Lines, NEWLINEb, \nb

Split by a single newline.


Stability: beta

Aliases: NEWLINEr, \nr

Join with newlines


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Lines, Line_break, NEWLINEb, \nb

Split by a single newline.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Line_split, Line_break, NEWLINEb, \nb

Split by a single newline.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Log_e


Stability: beta

Aliases: Ln


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Lt


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Lg


Stability: alpha

Golf as: L

Loop forever (until Break or other error.)


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Oz

Zip two sequences (numbers coerce to ranges), returning a list of length-2 lists; or zip them with a block, which operates on corresponding pairs of the two lists. The result has length equal to that of the longest list; the shorter list, if one exists, is looped until it is the right length. Mnemonic: O looks like a loop.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Lb

Converts the first number to a string of digits in the radix of the second, using lowercase digits. Deeply vectorizes over the first.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Li

Convert an integer to a lowercase letter starting with a = 1; things outside the range 1 to 26 give spaces. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Lc

Converts all characters to lowercase. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Is_lower

Tests if characters are lowercase. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Length_stack


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Log_ten


Stability: alpha

Aliases: <a

Approximately less than; tolerance is given by Ep, epsilon


Stability: unstable

Aliases: <l

Less than, after coercing two arguments to ints or floats, sequences by taking their length.


Stability: beta

Aliases: <

On two numbers, two strings, or two lists, compare if the first is less than the second. On a number and a sequence, slice elements with index less than the number, as Python s[:n]. On a sequence (numbers coerce to ranges) and a block, "take while", or return the longest prefix of elements that all satisfy the block.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Negate_or_mold_or_memoize

Negate a number, or Mold a sequence like another, or Memoize a block.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: NEWLINEm, \nm

Map on lines: takes a block and a string, split the string into lines, map the block over the tokens, then join the tokens with a linebreak.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: SPACEm

Map on words: takes a block and a string, split the string by spaces, map the block over the tokens, then join the tokens with a space.


Stability: stable

Aliases: [

Mark the stack.


Stability: alpha

Golf as:

Mask: Zip two sequences and filter for elements of the first where the corresponding elements of the second are truthy.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Mc

Finds the matching character for one of the characters ()[]{}<>, or returns the character itself. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Shared_prefix, Ys, Ym

Find the longest prefix shared between two sequences. Mnemonic for this and related operations: Y is a fork where the bottom is the shared prefix and the top are the diverging suffixes. 's' is for same or shared.


Stability: beta

Aliases: >m, Ã

Maximum of two values, optionally by a block


Stability: unstable

Aliases: >mw, Ãw

Maximum of two values; deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Matching_character

Finds the matching character for one of the characters ()[]{}<>, or returns the character itself. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: =m

Median of three values, optionally by a block


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Memoize

Golf as: M

Memoize a block.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Memo

Golf as: M

Memoize a block.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Mold_fill

Repeat the first element as many times as needed to mold a sequence like the second.


Stability: beta

Aliases: <m, Õ

Minimum of two values, optionally by a block


Stability: unstable

Aliases: <mw, Õw

Minimum of two values; deeply vectorizes.


Stability: stable

Golf as: -

Subtract numbers.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: À

Subraction on numbers; deeply vectorizes.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: -i

Subtract two things after coercing both to integers.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: -l

Subtract two things after coercing both to ints or floats, sequences by taking their length.


Stability: stable

Aliases: -

Golf as: -

Subtraction on numbers. Filter-not-in on lists and strings (numbers coerce to single-element lists). Filter-not on block and list (numbers coerce to ranges). See also Antiminus.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Yf, Ya

Given two sequences, find the first element in the first sequence that isn't at the corresponding index in the second. Errors if there isn't such an element. Mnemonic for this and related operations: Y is a fork where the bottom is the shared prefix and the top are the diverging suffixes; 'f' is for 'former' / 'a' is the first letter of the alphabet.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Yi

Find the length of the longest prefix shared between two sequences; equivalently, the index of the first element where they diverge, except that it'll be the length of the list if they are identical. Mnemonic for this and related operations: Y is a fork where the bottom is the shared prefix and the top are the diverging suffixes; 'i' is for index.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Yl, Yb

Given two sequences, find the first element in the second sequence that isn't at the corresponding index in the second. Errors if there isn't such an element. Mnemonic for this and related operations: Y is a fork where the bottom is the shared prefix and the top are the diverging suffixes; 'l' is for 'latter' / 'b' is the second letter of the alphabet.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Yp

Find the first elements after the longest prefix shared between two sequences. Returns a list. If the two sequences are equal, the list will be empty. If one sequence is a proper prefix of the other, the list will just have one element (and you won't be able to tell which sequence it came from). Mnemonic for this and related operations: Y is a fork where the bottom is the shared prefix and the top are the diverging suffixes; 'p' is for pair, which the return value usually is.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Yd

Find the suffixes after the longest prefix shared between two sequences. Mnemonic for this and related operations: Y is a fork where the bottom is the shared prefix and the top are the diverging suffixes. 'd' is for different or diverging.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Conjugate

Negate the imaginary part. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: stable

Aliases: %

Modulus on numbers. On a sequence and number, slice elements at indices equal to 0 mod the number, just like Python s[::n] (negative numbers reverse the sequence). On two sequences, split the first sequence around occurrences of the second sequence, discarding empty tokens. Map on blocks and sequences (numbers coerce to ranges).

"tweedledee""e"% => ["tw" "dl" "d"]


Stability: beta

Golf as: (

Run a block over the first element of a list, then replace it in the list with the result.


Stability: beta

Golf as: )

Run a block over the last element of a list, then replace it in the list with the result.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Ú

Modulus on numbers; deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Golf as: M

Mold the first sequence like the second.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Mf

Repeat the first element as many times as needed to mold a sequence like the second.


Stability: alpha


Most frequently appearing element.


Stability: beta

Aliases: *

Multiplication on numbers. Repetition on sequences with numbers. "Flat" Cartesian product on two sequences (this returns a single-level list of pairs, rather than a list of lists of pairs; if you want the latter, see T). X-loop on blocks and sequences, in which elements and corresponding indices are pushed onto the X-stack, but not pushed onto the stack (numbers coerce to ranges, so, if you don't use the variable X, it's just repeating a block some number of times.)

See also _xloop.

3 {2*} 4* => 48
{X} 4* => 0 1 2 3
[2 3 5 7] {2X#} * => 4 8 32 128


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Ó

Multiplication on numbers; deeply vectorizes.


Stability: stable

Output record separator

String constant with value '\n'


Stability: beta

Aliases: Not_all


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Now_minute

Get the current minute


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Nest_of_character

Finds the amount by which a character affects "nestedness": ([{< give +1, >}]) give -1, everything else gives 0. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Now_day

Get the current day


Stability: beta

Aliases: Not_any, Not_exists

Golf as: Ô


Stability: beta

Golf as: M

Negate a number.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Ì

Negate numbers. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: M

Negate a number, or Mold a sequence like another, or Memoize a block.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: |j

Negate the real part. Deeply vectorizes. Mnemonic: reflect this across the vertical y-axis on the complex plane. (Really really unstable.)


Stability: beta

Aliases: -p


Stability: unstable


Balanced mod: on a and b, returns the number that's equal to a mod b and as close to 0 as possible, preferring -|b|/2 over |b|/2.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: -o


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Nc

Finds the amount by which a character affects "nestedness": ([{< give +1, >}]) give -1, everything else gives 0. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: beta

Aliases: NEWLINEo, \no

Output a newline.


Stability: beta

Aliases: NEWLINEp, \np

Output a newline, followed by an output record separator.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: NEWLINEx, \nx


Stability: alpha

Aliases: )p

Find the smallest prime larger than this.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Now_hour

Get the current hour


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Now_twelve_hour

Get the current hour, as a number from 1 to 12


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Now_day_of_year

Get the current day of year


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Now_month

Get the current month


Stability: stable


Do nothing.


Stability: stable

Golf as: !

Logical NOT: 0 and empty lists/strings yield 1, everything else yields 0.

0! => 1
1! => 0
2! => 0
[]! => 1
[0]! => 0


Stability: beta

Aliases: Na


Stability: beta

Aliases: Not_exists, Ne

Golf as: Ô


Stability: beta

Aliases: Not_any, Ne

Golf as: Ô


Stability: unstable

Aliases: !j

Test if the imaginary part is zero. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Nd

Get the current day


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Nj

Get the current day of year


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Nh

Get the current hour


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Nu

Get the current ISO weekday (Monday is 1, Sunday is 7)


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Nb

Get the current minute


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Nm

Get the current month


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Ns

Get the current second


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Nt


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Ni

Get the current hour, as a number from 1 to 12


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Nw

Get the current weekday (Monday is 0, Sunday is 6)


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Ny

Get the current year


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Now_second

Get the current second


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Now_time


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Now_iso_weekday

Get the current ISO weekday (Monday is 1, Sunday is 7)


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Now_weekday

Get the current weekday (Monday is 0, Sunday is 6)


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Now_year

Get the current year


Stability: beta

Aliases: Output

Output to standard output.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Odd


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Od


Stability: beta

Aliases: Ô

Odd or Not_any


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Ot

Translate the first argument using a mapping obtained by zipping the second and third, repeating the last element of the third as necessary. Each entry in the mapping is used at most once, in the order they appear.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Range_odds_exclusive

Range, odds, from 1, exclusive


Stability: alpha

Aliases: ¢

Order statistic (zero-indexed)


Stability: alpha

Golf as: Ø

Group into lists of equal elements; like Group, but the equal elements don't need to be consecutive. The lists come in the same order that their elements' first appearances did in the original list.

[3 1 2 2 1 1 1]Organize => [[3][1 1 1 1][2 2]]


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Ø

On numbers, Euler's Totient function (does not vectorize). On sequences or blocks with sequences, Organize.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: +n

Return a list of almost-copies of the object, two per deep element, one with that deep element decreased by 1 and one with it increased by 1.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Output_stack


Stability: alpha

Aliases: One_time_translate

Translate the first argument using a mapping obtained by zipping the second and third, repeating the last element of the third as necessary. Each entry in the mapping is used at most once, in the order they appear.


Stability: beta

Aliases: O

Output to standard output.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Os


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Loopzip

Zip two sequences (numbers coerce to ranges), returning a list of length-2 lists; or zip them with a block, which operates on corresponding pairs of the two lists. The result has length equal to that of the longest list; the shorter list, if one exists, is looped until it is the right length. Mnemonic: O looks like a loop.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Print

Output to standard output, followed by an output record separator.


Stability: stable

Aliases: ]

Pack the elements above the last stack mark into a list.


Stability: stable

Aliases: ¬, Pack_reverse

Pack the elements above the last stack mark into a list in reverse order.

[1 2 3¬ => [3 2 1]


Stability: stable

Aliases: ¬, Pack_down

Pack the elements above the last stack mark into a list in reverse order.

[1 2 3¬ => [3 2 1]


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Pz

Concatenate a with the tail of its reverse.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Eval

Evaluate a string as Paradoc code


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Dump

Print debugging information about the environment and stack.


Stability: beta

Golf as: D

Like Doloop except the condition is peeked instead of popped.


Stability: beta

Golf as: ¡


Stability: beta

Aliases: ¡, !p


Stability: alpha

Golden ratio

Float constant with value 1.618033988749895


Stability: alpha

Float constant with value 1.618033988749895


Stability: stable

Float constant with value 3.141592653589793


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Print_lines

Output each element of a sequence to standard output, each followed by an output record separator. At the end, output an extra output record separator.


Stability: stable

Golf as: +

Add numbers.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Á

Addition on numbers; deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: +i

Add two things after coercing both to integers.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: +l

Add two things after coercing both to ints or floats, sequences by taking their length.


Stability: stable

Aliases: Plus_or_filter_or_compose, +

Addition on numbers. Concatenation on lists and strings (numbers coerce to single-element lists or to strings). Filter on block and list (numbers coerce to ranges). Compose on blocks.


Stability: stable

Aliases: +, Plus_or_filter

Addition on numbers. Concatenation on lists and strings (numbers coerce to single-element lists or to strings). Filter on block and list (numbers coerce to ranges). Compose on blocks.


Stability: stable

Aliases: ;

Pop the top element of the stack.

1 2 3; => 1 2


Stability: unstable

Aliases: ;a

Pop the first and third from the top elements of the stack, named to be somewhat analogous to \a.

1 2 3;a => 2


Stability: alpha

Aliases: ;i

Pop the top element of the stack. Pop the second element if the first element was truthy.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: ;f

Look at the top element of the stack. Pop it if it's falsy.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: ;n

Pop the top element of the stack. Pop the second element if the first element was falsy.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: ;t

Look at the top element of the stack. Pop it if it's truthy.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: ;o

Pop the third from the top element of the stack, named to be somewhat analogous to \o.

1 2 3;o => 2 3


Stability: unstable

Aliases: ;p

Pop the second and third from the top elements of the stack. Not the first and second because that's ;_d.

1 2 3;p => 3


Stability: beta

Aliases: ;s


Stability: beta

Aliases: ¸

Pop the second from the top element of the stack.

1 2 3¸ => 1 3


Stability: beta

Aliases: +p


Stability: unstable


Balanced mod: on a and b, returns the number that's equal to a mod b and as close to 0 as possible, preferring |b|/2 over -|b|/2.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: +o


Stability: beta

Aliases: ˆ, *p

On numbers, power/exponentiate. On a list and a number, exponentiate the list by making a list of all lists of that length composed of elements from the original list (possibly repeating).


Stability: alpha

Golf as:


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Is_prime,

Test if this is prime.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: (p

Find the largest prime smaller than this.


Stability: beta

Aliases: P

Output to standard output, followed by an output record separator.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Pl

Output each element of a sequence to standard output, each followed by an output record separator. At the end, output an extra output record separator.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Ps


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Ƥ, ^P

Pop something, output to standard output followed by an output record separator, then push it back. Pretty much just Print__keep.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Þ, *w

(Deep) product (coerces numbers to range!?).


Stability: alpha

Golf as: B

Map over the Cartesian product of two sequences, resulting in a list.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Þs


Stability: beta

Aliases: Print_stack


Stability: unstable

Aliases: &j, ?j

Test if the real part is zero. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Python

Evaluate arbitrary Python code. Push the result if non-None.

Disabled in sandbox mode.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Py

Evaluate arbitrary Python code. Push the result if non-None.

Disabled in sandbox mode.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Palindromize

Concatenate a with the tail of its reverse.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Break, Quit_loop

Break out of the current loop.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Quine_output

Output the value of Qn, which will usually be the current program


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Quine_print

Print the value of Qn, which will usually be the current program


Stability: alpha

Aliases: ¼


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Qo

Output the value of Qn, which will usually be the current program


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Qp

Print the value of Qn, which will usually be the current program


Stability: beta

Aliases: Break, Q

Break out of the current loop.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Rectangularize

Rectangularize a matrix: append the filler element as necessary to rows until the matrix is rectangular. Mnemonic: Q for Quadrangle.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Reduce


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Rc


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Rf


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Rg


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Ri


Stability: alpha


Stability: beta

Golf as: ,

Range (half-open from 0).


Stability: beta

Aliases: J

Range, inclusive from 1, on numbers. Enumerate from 1 (zip with indices from 1) on sequences. On block and sequence, list indices at which block is false. Mnemonic: the letter J looks like a big comma.

Compare Range_enumerate_or_filter_indices.


Stability: beta

Aliases: ,

Range on numbers. Enumerate (zip with indices from 0) on sequences. On block and sequence, list indices at which block is true.

Compare Range_enumerate_one_or_reject_indices.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Er

Range, evens, from 0, exclusive


Stability: unstable

Aliases: ´

Range on numbers; range of indices of sequence. Keeps the operand on the stack! Mnemonic: looks like a comma, except it's higher, so the stack will be taller after running it.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Or

Range, odds, from 1, exclusive


Stability: beta

Golf as: J

Range, inclusive from 1.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Dj

Range, inclusive downward from 1


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Random_choice


Stability: alpha

Aliases: V

Read something from standard input, as determined by the current input trigger.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Qz

Rectangularize a matrix: append the filler element as necessary to rows until the matrix is rectangular. Mnemonic: Q for Quadrangle.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: SPACEq

Rectangularize a matrix with spaces: append the space character as necessary to rows until the matrix is rectangular. Mnemonic: Q for Quadrangle.


Stability: beta

Aliases: R


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Rj

Create a complex number for a list with a real and imaginary part. Actually, for a full list, multiplies successive elements by powers of 1j and computes the sum of all the results. Mnemonic: This is shaped like a reduce because it takes a list and returns a single number.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Xa

Take a string and a regex, and find all matches (this is Python's re.finditer, and its caveats apply.) Returns a list with one list for each match; each list consists of the string matched by the regex followed by all of the regex's groups.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Xm

Take a string and a regex, and attempt to match the regex exactly against the entire string. Returns a list consisting of the string matched by the regex followed by all of the regex's groups, or an empty list if no match is found (so the truthiness of the result is whether a match is found).

Stability: unstable

Aliases: Xs

Take a string and a regex, and perform a regex search through the string. Returns a list consisting of the string matched by the regex followed by all of the regex's groups, or an empty list if no match is found (so the truthiness of the result is whether a match is found).


Stability: stable

Aliases: Filter_not

Golf as: -

Filter-not a list by a block (numbers coerce to ranges).


Stability: stable

Aliases: Filter_not_in

Golf as: -

Filter-not-in on lists and strings (numbers coerce to single-element lists).


Stability: beta

Aliases: °, Rp

Make a list by repeating an element some number of times.


Stability: beta

Aliases: `

Push the string Paradoc representation of the top element.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Down

Golf as: D

Reverse a sequence (coerces numbers to range).


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Ð

On numbers, reverse inclusive range from that number to 1 (i.e. Range_one_down). On sequences, reverse each element (numbers coerce to length-1 lists, and characters coerce to length-1 strings, so you can also use this to wrap each element of a flat list into a list). (Heavily inspired by studying 05AB1E.)


Stability: beta

Aliases: Down_or_doloop, D

On a number of a sequence, Reverse; on a block, Doloop.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Down_stack, Ds


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Random_float


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Random_gaussian


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Random_int


Stability: unstable

Aliases: »p

Given a list (numbers coerce to ranges), a number, and a filler object, right-pad the list with number copies of the filler object.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: ›p

Given a value and a length, convert the value to a string if necessary and append that many spaces. Mnemonic: well, right-pad (but "fill" doesn't make sense unless you're filling up to something, whereas padding still makes sense.)


Stability: unstable

Aliases: >c

Right cycle a list or string by some number of elements, which are cut off the right and reattached to the left.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: >o

Right cycle a list or string Once: move the last element to the first.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: ]f

Given a list (numbers coerce to ranges), a length, and a filler object, right-pad the list with the filler object until at least the length.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: >f

Given a value and a length, convert the value to a string if necessary and right-pad it with spaces until at least the length.


Stability: beta

Golf as: >s

Bitwise right shift


Stability: alpha

Aliases: >s

Right_shift on numbers, Right_slices on a sequence


Stability: alpha

Golf as: >s

Right slices (nonempty, by increasing length)


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Reduce_complex

Create a complex number for a list with a real and imaginary part. Actually, for a full list, multiplies successive elements by powers of 1j and computes the sum of all the results. Mnemonic: This is shaped like a reduce because it takes a list and returns a single number.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Rotate

Rotate a matrix, or list of lists, 90 degrees counterclockwise (just by vague mathematical convention of angle).


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Ro

Rotate a matrix, or list of lists, 90 degrees counterclockwise (just by vague mathematical convention of angle).


Stability: alpha

Aliases: =i

Round to the nearest integer; follows Python's rules.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: ¤


Stability: beta

Aliases: Replicate, °

Make a list by repeating an element some number of times.


Stability: beta

Aliases: To_string

Convert to string


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Sec


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Sc


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Standard_deviation

Standard deviation (deep). Mnemonic: sigma


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Shell

Evaluate shell code. If given a string, executes it through the shell; if given a list, executes the first element as the executable with the following elements of the list as arguments. Pushes the stdout of the subprocess.

Disabled in sandbox mode.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Matching_prefix, Ys, Ym

Find the longest prefix shared between two sequences. Mnemonic for this and related operations: Y is a fork where the bottom is the shared prefix and the top are the diverging suffixes. 's' is for same or shared.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Sh

Evaluate shell code. If given a string, executes it through the shell; if given a list, executes the first element as the executable with the following elements of the list as arguments. Pushes the stdout of the subprocess.

Disabled in sandbox mode.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Int_sqrt

Integer square root.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Sr

Make a list by repeating one of two elements some number of times, the first one if negative and the second one if positive.


Stability: beta

Golf as: U

Signum of a number (-1, 0, 1) by sign.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: U

Signum or uniquify or until. Mnemonic: U for Unit


Stability: beta

Aliases: Sn


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Sleep

Sleep for some number of seconds.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Sl

Sleep for some number of seconds.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Sin


Stability: stable

Golf as: $



Stability: beta

Aliases: $

Sort or select from stack


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Space_split, SPACEb

Split by a single space. Note that this returns empty strings between adjacent spaces, as well as at the start or end if the string starts or ends with spaces, and it does not split by other whitespace. Use Words if you don't want that.


Stability: beta

Aliases: SPACEr


Stability: beta

Aliases: SPACEo

Output a space.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: SPACEx


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Space_break, SPACEb

Split by a single space. Note that this returns empty strings between adjacent spaces, as well as at the start or end if the string starts or ends with spaces, and it does not split by other whitespace. Use Words if you don't want that.


Stability: beta

Aliases: ²

Square a number, or compute the Cartesian product of a sequence with itself, or map a block across that.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: È

Square of numbers. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Signed_replicate

Make a list by repeating one of two elements some number of times, the first one if negative and the second one if positive.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Subsequences, ¿


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Sg

Standard deviation (deep). Mnemonic: sigma


Stability: stable

Golf as: +

Concatenate two strings (numbers coerce to strings).


Stability: beta

Aliases: ¿, Ss


Stability: beta

Aliases: Š, +w

(Deep) sum (coerces numbers to range).


Stability: beta

Aliases: Šs


Stability: stable

Aliases: \

Swap the top two elements of the stack.

1 2 3\ => 1 3 2


Stability: alpha

Aliases: \a

Swap the first and third elements of the stack (swap "around" the second one).

1 2 3\a => 3 2 1


Stability: beta

Aliases: \i

Rotate the top three elements of the stack so that the top is now on bottom ("inward" by two): a b c -> c a b

1 2 3\i => 3 1 2


Stability: beta

Aliases: \o

Rotate the top three elements of the stack so that the 3rd from the top is now on top ("outward" by two): a b c -> b c a

1 2 3\o => 2 3 1


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Table

On two sequences (numbers coerce to ranges), "structured" Cartesian product: make a "table", or a list of lists, of pairs of elements. On a block and two sequences (number coerce to ranges), make a "table" of results of mapping pairs of elements. For the flat versions, see * or B.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: T

On two sequences (numbers coerce to ranges), "structured" Cartesian product: make a "table", or a list of lists, of pairs of elements. On a block and two sequences (number coerce to ranges), make a "table" of results of mapping pairs of elements. For the flat versions, see * or B.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Tn


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Title_case

Title-cases all strings?


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Transpose_fill

Given a filler element, transpose a matrix, or list of lists, with the filler element repeated as necessary until the matrix is rectangular.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: ¾


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Tc

Title-cases all strings?


Stability: beta

Aliases: Exclusive_range


Stability: beta

Aliases: Tan


Stability: beta

Aliases: Inclusive_range


Stability: beta

Golf as: C

Convert to char


Stability: alpha

Aliases: C

On a non-block value, To_char; on a block, Peekdo. Mnemonic: "C" is right next to "D" and it's a homophone of "see", which is a synonym of "peek".


Stability: beta

Golf as: F

Convert to float


Stability: beta

Aliases: F

On a non-block value, To_float; on a block, Fixed_point.


Stability: beta

Golf as: I

Convert to int


Stability: beta

Aliases: I

On a non-block value, To_float; on a block, Iterate.


Stability: beta

Aliases: S

Convert to string


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Et

Euler's Totient function. If you don't need vectorizing, Ø works too.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Zt

Translate the first argument using a mapping obtained by zipping the second and third, mapping elements of the second to elements of the third, repeating the last element of the third as necessary.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Tt,

Transpose a matrix, or list of lists. Mnemonic: matrices are transposed by a superscript T, so Tt is just that "doubled" and ™ is "Transpose Matrix" superscripted.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Tf

Given a filler element, transpose a matrix, or list of lists, with the filler element repeated as necessary until the matrix is rectangular.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: SPACEt

Transpose a matrix, or list of lists (or of strings), adding the space character as necessary until the matrix is rectangular.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Transpose,

Transpose a matrix, or list of lists. Mnemonic: matrices are transposed by a superscript T, so Tt is just that "doubled" and ™ is "Transpose Matrix" superscripted.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: É

Two to the power of numbers. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Signum_or_uniquify_or_until

Signum or uniquify or until. Mnemonic: U for Unit


Stability: alpha

Uppercase alphabet

String constant with value 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'


Stability: beta

Aliases: Upper_base

Converts the first number to a string of digits in the radix of the second, using uppercase digits. Deeply vectorizes over the first.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Uppercase

Converts all characters to uppercase. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Upper_of_int

Convert an integer to an uppercase letter starting with A = 1; things outside the range 1 to 26 give spaces. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Unless

Single-branch unless.


Stability: beta

Golf as: (

Split into tail and first.

[1 2 3]Uncons => [2 3]1


Stability: beta

Aliases: Û

Under zero or Unique (test)


Stability: beta

Golf as: Û


Stability: alpha

Golf as: U

Uniquify a sequence: drop all but first occurrence of each element


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Ul

Single-branch unless.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Ur

Rotate a matrix, or list of lists, 90 degrees clockwise (just by vague mathematical convention of angle).


Stability: beta

Golf as: )

Split into init and last.

[1 2 3]Uncons => [1 2]3


Stability: alpha

Golf as: U

Until loop: Execute first block, pop, stop if true, execute second block, repeat.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Is_upper

Tests if characters are uppercase. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Ub

Converts the first number to a string of digits in the radix of the second, using uppercase digits. Deeply vectorizes over the first.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Ui

Convert an integer to an uppercase letter starting with A = 1; things outside the range 1 to 26 give spaces. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Uc

Converts all characters to uppercase. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Unrotate

Rotate a matrix, or list of lists, 90 degrees clockwise (just by vague mathematical convention of angle).


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Read_input

Read something from standard input, as determined by the current input trigger.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Vc

Finds the "value" of a character: digits give their numeric value, - and < give -1, + and > give +1, everything else gives 0. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Value_of_character

Finds the "value" of a character: digits give their numeric value, - and < give -1, + and > give +1, everything else gives 0. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Window_or_words_or_while

Words (split by spaces) or Window (sliding window of size given by number) or While loop.


Stability: alpha

Golf as: W

While loop: Execute first block, pop, break if false, execute second block, repeat.


Stability: alpha

Golf as: W


Stability: alpha

Aliases: W

Words (split by spaces) or Window (sliding window of size given by number) or While loop.


Stability: alpha

Golf as: W


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Is_space

Tests if characters are whitespace. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Regex_array

Take a string and a regex, and find all matches (this is Python's re.finditer, and its caveats apply.) Returns a list with one list for each match; each list consists of the string matched by the regex followed by all of the regex's groups.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Exchange_case

Swaps the case of all characters. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Regex_match

Take a string and a regex, and attempt to match the regex exactly against the entire string. Returns a list consisting of the string matched by the regex followed by all of the regex's groups, or an empty list if no match is found (so the truthiness of the result is whether a match is found).


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Regex_search

Take a string and a regex, and perform a regex search through the string. Returns a list consisting of the string matched by the regex followed by all of the regex's groups, or an empty list if no match is found (so the truthiness of the result is whether a match is found).


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Mismatch_former, Yf

Given two sequences, find the first element in the first sequence that isn't at the corresponding index in the second. Errors if there isn't such an element. Mnemonic for this and related operations: Y is a fork where the bottom is the shared prefix and the top are the diverging suffixes; 'f' is for 'former' / 'a' is the first letter of the alphabet.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Mismatch_latter, Yl

Given two sequences, find the first element in the second sequence that isn't at the corresponding index in the second. Errors if there isn't such an element. Mnemonic for this and related operations: Y is a fork where the bottom is the shared prefix and the top are the diverging suffixes; 'l' is for 'latter' / 'b' is the second letter of the alphabet.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Mismatch_suffixes

Find the suffixes after the longest prefix shared between two sequences. Mnemonic for this and related operations: Y is a fork where the bottom is the shared prefix and the top are the diverging suffixes. 'd' is for different or diverging.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Mismatch_former, Ya

Given two sequences, find the first element in the first sequence that isn't at the corresponding index in the second. Errors if there isn't such an element. Mnemonic for this and related operations: Y is a fork where the bottom is the shared prefix and the top are the diverging suffixes; 'f' is for 'former' / 'a' is the first letter of the alphabet.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Mismatch_index

Find the length of the longest prefix shared between two sequences; equivalently, the index of the first element where they diverge, except that it'll be the length of the list if they are identical. Mnemonic for this and related operations: Y is a fork where the bottom is the shared prefix and the top are the diverging suffixes; 'i' is for index.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Mismatch_latter, Yb

Given two sequences, find the first element in the second sequence that isn't at the corresponding index in the second. Errors if there isn't such an element. Mnemonic for this and related operations: Y is a fork where the bottom is the shared prefix and the top are the diverging suffixes; 'l' is for 'latter' / 'b' is the second letter of the alphabet.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Matching_prefix, Shared_prefix, Ys

Find the longest prefix shared between two sequences. Mnemonic for this and related operations: Y is a fork where the bottom is the shared prefix and the top are the diverging suffixes. 's' is for same or shared.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Mismatch_pair

Find the first elements after the longest prefix shared between two sequences. Returns a list. If the two sequences are equal, the list will be empty. If one sequence is a proper prefix of the other, the list will just have one element (and you won't be able to tell which sequence it came from). Mnemonic for this and related operations: Y is a fork where the bottom is the shared prefix and the top are the diverging suffixes; 'p' is for pair, which the return value usually is.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Matching_prefix, Shared_prefix, Ym

Find the longest prefix shared between two sequences. Mnemonic for this and related operations: Y is a fork where the bottom is the shared prefix and the top are the diverging suffixes. 's' is for same or shared.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Zf

Given a value and a length, convert the value to a string if necessary and left-pad it with zeroes until at least the length.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Zero_fill

Given a value and a length, convert the value to a string if necessary and left-pad it with zeroes until at least the length.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Zp

Zip two sequences (numbers coerce to ranges), returning a list of length-2 lists; or zip them with a block, which operates on corresponding pairs of the two lists. Truncates to the length of the shorter input sequence. Also see _zip, and for an alias.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Zl

Zip two sequences (numbers coerce to ranges), returning a list of length-2 or (at indices between their lengths, if the sequences are of unequal length) length-1 lists; or zip them with a block, which operates on corresponding pairs of the two lists, where elements of the longer list are collected unmodified. The result has length equal to that of the longest list.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Ziplongest

Zip two sequences (numbers coerce to ranges), returning a list of length-2 or (at indices between their lengths, if the sequences are of unequal length) length-1 lists; or zip them with a block, which operates on corresponding pairs of the two lists, where elements of the longer list are collected unmodified. The result has length equal to that of the longest list.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Zip

Zip two sequences (numbers coerce to ranges), returning a list of length-2 lists; or zip them with a block, which operates on corresponding pairs of the two lists. Truncates to the length of the shorter input sequence. Also see _zip, and for an alias.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Translate

Translate the first argument using a mapping obtained by zipping the second and third, mapping elements of the second to elements of the third, repeating the last element of the third as necessary.


Stability: stable

Aliases: Mark

Mark the stack.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Left_fill

Given a list (numbers coerce to ranges), a length, and a filler object, left-pad the list with the filler object until at least the length.


Stability: stable

Aliases: Swap

Swap the top two elements of the stack.

1 2 3\ => 1 3 2


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Swap_around

Swap the first and third elements of the stack (swap "around" the second one).

1 2 3\a => 3 2 1


Stability: beta

Aliases: Swap_in

Rotate the top three elements of the stack so that the top is now on bottom ("inward" by two): a b c -> c a b

1 2 3\i => 3 1 2


Stability: alpha

Swap the real and imaginary part. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Line_split, Lines, Line_break, NEWLINEb

Split by a single newline.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Map_on_lines, NEWLINEm

Map on lines: takes a block and a string, split the string into lines, map the block over the tokens, then join the tokens with a linebreak.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Newline_output, NEWLINEo

Output a newline.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Newline_print, NEWLINEp

Output a newline, followed by an output record separator.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Line_join, NEWLINEr

Join with newlines


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Newline_repeat, NEWLINEx


Stability: beta

Aliases: Swap_out

Rotate the top three elements of the stack so that the 3rd from the top is now on top ("outward" by two): a b c -> b c a

1 2 3\o => 2 3 1


Stability: stable

Aliases: Pack

Pack the elements above the last stack mark into a list.


Stability: beta

Aliases: ]c

Case statement: Takes a series of lists, the "cases", above the last stack mark, as well as one object, the "target", below the mark, which is popped. Then, find the first "case" such that the case "matches" the target, where "matches" means that if the case's first element is a block then the target must satisfy it, and otherwise they must be equal. Push or execute all remaining list elements in that first matching case.


Stability: alpha

Stack check: Takes a series of case predicates above the last stack mark. Peek at the same number of objects on the same stack below them. Assert that every object matches the corresponding predicate; otherwise, halt the program.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: ]s

Stream case statement: Like the case statement, but just takes a series of alternative case predicates and case bodies instead of expecting them to be paired up.


Stability: beta

Aliases: ]_case

Case statement: Takes a series of lists, the "cases", above the last stack mark, as well as one object, the "target", below the mark, which is popped. Then, find the first "case" such that the case "matches" the target, where "matches" means that if the case's first element is a block then the target must satisfy it, and otherwise they must be equal. Push or execute all remaining list elements in that first matching case.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Right_fill

Given a list (numbers coerce to ranges), a length, and a filler object, right-pad the list with the filler object until at least the length.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: ]_stream

Stream case statement: Like the case statement, but just takes a series of alternative case predicates and case bodies instead of expecting them to be paired up.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Exclusive_or_or_symmetric_difference_or_find_last

Binary XOR on numbers. Symmetric difference on sequences. Find last on block and sequence.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Imaginary_unit_power, ˆj

Take the power of the imaginary unit to this number. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Repr

Push the string Paradoc representation of the top element.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Bin_or_or_union_or_unless

Binary OR on numbers. Union on sequences. One-branch unless on blocks.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Negate_real

Negate the real part. Deeply vectorizes. Mnemonic: reflect this across the vertical y-axis on the complex plane. (Really really unstable.)


Stability: beta

Aliases: Boolean_or

Takes two arguments, leaves the first if the first is falsy and the second if the first is truthy.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Compl_or_eval_or_expand

Bitwise complement of integers. Expand lists or strings onto the stack, pushing each element separately in order. Eval on a block.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Complex_components

Real and imaginary part, as two elements on the stack. Mnemonic: Treating the complex number as a length-2 list, this expands it like ~.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Complement_parity


Stability: alpha

Utility constant: space


Stability: beta

Aliases: Permutations_or_factorial, !p


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Order_statistic

Order statistic (zero-indexed)


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Round_or_first_and_last


Stability: unstable

Bimask. Mnemonics: like but it "forks" the sequence into two instead of just having the truthy ones.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Dup_pair, :p

Duplicate the top two elements of the stack: a b -> a b a b

1 2 3 :p => 1 2 3 2 3


Stability: unstable

Aliases: All_slices, =s

All slices of a sequence (numbers coerce to ranges).


Stability: beta

Aliases: Exclusive_range_or_flatten_once


Stability: beta

Aliases: Decr_two_or_but_last

Decrease by two, or all but last


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Left_add

Given a list (numbers coerce to ranges), a number, and a filler object, left-pad the list with number copies of the filler object.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: From_empty_left_slices

Left slices (including the empty one, by increasing length)


Stability: stable

Aliases: Pack_reverse, Pack_down

Pack the elements above the last stack mark into a list in reverse order.

[1 2 3¬ => [3 2 1]


Stability: beta

Aliases: Antiminus

Reversed subtraction. Compare Minus_or_reject.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Replicate, Rp

Make a list by repeating an element some number of times.


Stability: stable

Aliases: Abs_diff, Ad

Absolute difference. Mnemonic: + is for "positive" and - is for "difference".


Stability: beta

Aliases: Square

Square a number, or compute the Cartesian product of a sequence with itself, or map a block across that.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Cube

Cube a number, or compute the Cartesian product of three copies of a sequence.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Range_len_keep

Range on numbers; range of indices of sequence. Keeps the operand on the stack! Mnemonic: looks like a comma, except it's higher, so the stack will be taller after running it.

Stability: alpha

Aliases: Is_prime, Pp

Test if this is prime.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Assign_bullet

Assign to the variable •


Stability: beta

Aliases: Pop_under

Pop the second from the top element of the stack.

1 2 3¸ => 1 3


Stability: unstable

Utility constant: eleven

Integer constant with value 11


Stability: beta

Aliases: Incr_two_or_but_first

Increase by two, or all but first (tail)


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Right_add

Given a list (numbers coerce to ranges), a number, and a filler object, right-pad the list with number copies of the filler object.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: From_empty_right_slices

Right slices (including the empty one, by increasing length)


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Quarter


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Halve


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Three_quarters


Stability: beta

Aliases: Subsequences, Ss


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Minus_deep_vectorizing

Subraction on numbers; deeply vectorizes.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Plus_deep_vectorizing

Addition on numbers; deeply vectorizes.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Above_zero_or_all

Above zero or All


Stability: beta

Aliases: Max, >m

Maximum of two values, optionally by a block


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Max_deep_vectorizing, >mw

Maximum of two values; deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Uppercase alphabet alias

String constant with value 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'


Stability: alpha

String constant with value 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'


Stability: alpha

String constant with value 'BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXZbcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz'


Stability: alpha

String constant with value 'BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZbcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz'


Stability: alpha

String constant with value '9876543210'


Stability: alpha

String constant with value 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'


Stability: alpha

String constant with value '0123456789ABCDEF'


Stability: alpha

String constant with value 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_'


Stability: alpha

String constant with value 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_'


Stability: alpha

String constant with value 'zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba'


Stability: alpha

String constant with value '()<>[]{}'


Stability: alpha

String constant with value ' !"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'


Stability: alpha

String constant with value 'QWERTYUIOPqwertyuiop'


Stability: alpha

String constant with value 'ASDFGHJKLasdfghjkl'


Stability: alpha

String constant with value '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'


Stability: alpha

String constant with value 'ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA'


Stability: alpha

String constant with value 'AEIOUaeiou'


Stability: alpha

String constant with value 'ZXCVBNMzxcvbnm'


Stability: alpha

String constant with value 'AEIOUYaeiouy'


Stability: alpha

String constant with value 'zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA'


Stability: beta

Aliases: Array_max, >r

Maximum of array, optionally by a block (numbers will coerce to ranges if you supply a block). Mnemonic: it's like reducing by maximum of two values.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Array_maxima, >rs

Maxima of array, optionally by a block (numbers will coerce to ranges if you supply a block).


Stability: unstable

Unstable alias for Binomial_coefficient.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Square_deep

Square of numbers. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Two_power_vectorizing

Two to the power of numbers. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Even_or_any

Even or Any (Exists)


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Negate_deep

Negate numbers. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Inverse

Inverse (reciprocal) of numbers. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Equals_one_or_identical

Identity (equals 1) or Identical


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Reverse_one_or_map

On numbers, reverse inclusive range from that number to 1 (i.e. Range_one_down). On sequences, reverse each element (numbers coerce to length-1 lists, and characters coerce to length-1 strings, so you can also use this to wrap each element of a flat list into a list). (Heavily inspired by studying 05AB1E.)


Stability: stable

Output field separator

String constant with value ''


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Divide_deep_vectorizing

Division on numbers; deeply vectorizes.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Multiply_deep_vectorizing

Multiplication on numbers; deeply vectorizes.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Odd_or_not_any

Odd or Not_any


Stability: beta

Aliases: Min, <m

Minimum of two values, optionally by a block


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Min_deep_vectorizing, <mw

Minimum of two values; deeply vectorizes.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Double


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Organize_or_totient

On numbers, Euler's Totient function (does not vectorize). On sequences or blocks with sequences, Organize.


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Modulus_deep_vectorizing

Modulus on numbers; deeply vectorizes.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Under_zero_or_is_unique

Under zero or Unique (test)


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Product, *w

(Deep) product (coerces numbers to range!?).


Stability: beta

Aliases: Product_stack


Stability: beta

Aliases: Intdiv_or_split_discard

Integer division on numbers. On a sequence and number, split the sequence into chunks of size equal to the number, discarding leftovers.

[1 2 3 4]2/ => [[1 2][3 4]]
[1 2 3 4 5]2/ => [[1 2][3 4]]


Stability: unstable

Aliases: ^N

Unstable aliases for Line_join.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Array_min, <r

Minimum of array, optionally by a block (numbers will coerce to ranges if you supply a block). Mnemonic: it's like reducing by minimum of two values.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Array_minima, <rs

Minima of array, optionally by a block (numbers will coerce to ranges if you supply a block).


Stability: beta

Aliases: Sum, +w

(Deep) sum (coerces numbers to range).


Stability: beta

Aliases: Sum_stack


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Printkeep, ^P

Pop something, output to standard output followed by an output record separator, then push it back. Pretty much just Print__keep.


Stability: beta

Aliases: Power, *p

On numbers, power/exponentiate. On a list and a number, exponentiate the list by making a list of all lists of that length composed of elements from the original list (possibly repeating).


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Imaginary_unit_power, ^j

Take the power of the imaginary unit to this number. Deeply vectorizes.


Stability: alpha

Aliases: Compare, Co

Compare (-1, 0, or 1)


Stability: unstable

Integer constant with value 1

Stability: alpha

Aliases: Assign_bullet_destructive

Pop and assign to the variable •

Stability: stable

Pack the top element of the stack into a list by itself.

ASCII alternative: 1_array; see _array.

1 2 3† => 1 2 [3]

Stability: stable

Pack the top two elements of the stack into a list.

ASCII alternative: 2_array; see _array.

1 2 3‡ => 1 [2 3]

Stability: alpha

A utility variable assigned to by Assign_bullet and Assign_bullet_destructive. Initialized to a new hoard.

Stability: beta

Aliases: Inclusive_range_or_flatten

Stability: unstable

Aliases: Divmod_or_zip, %p

On integers, integer division and modulus. On two sequences or a block and two sequences, Zip.

Stability: beta

Aliases: Floor_or_first

Floor or First of sequence or Modify_first


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Left_add_spaces

Given a value and a length, convert the value to a string if necessary and prepend that many spaces. Mnemonic: well, left-pad (but "fill" doesn't make sense unless you're filling up to something, whereas padding still makes sense.)

Stability: beta

Aliases: Ceiling_or_last

Ceiling or Last of sequence or Modify_last


Stability: unstable

Aliases: Right_add_spaces

Given a value and a length, convert the value to a string if necessary and append that many spaces. Mnemonic: well, right-pad (but "fill" doesn't make sense unless you're filling up to something, whereas padding still makes sense.)

Stability: unstable

Power_of_ten or Mask. Mnemonics: E for exponent, the one in scientific notation, or the powers of ten in the relatively European metric system; or € has the = like indexing; it's indexing by a list of booleans.

Stability: beta

Aliases: Transpose, Tt

Transpose a matrix, or list of lists. Mnemonic: matrices are transposed by a superscript T, so Tt is just that "doubled" and ™ is "Transpose Matrix" superscripted.

Stability: unstable

Stability: alpha

Utility constant: space